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  1. ~shinigami~

    Another "Should I do it" one. Sorry peoples. :)

    Really? The head teacher said that there will be a 4U class when 2U is on for anyone confident enough in knowing that they won't drop back to 2U which means they won't have to do 2U. i.e They'll only do 12 units. Sorry if I'm a bit confused.
  2. ~shinigami~

    Help- Next years HSC subject selection

    Sounds fun. :) Wow, so many people agree with me that the Syllabus is shit. :p
  3. ~shinigami~

    bio or physics ?

    Well I'm not exactly getting the elective I want either. I have to do Quanta to Quarks. :(
  4. ~shinigami~

    Another "Should I do it" one. Sorry peoples. :)

    I've talked it over with the teachers and it seems that I must do 2 unit along with 3 unit and 4 unit incase I drop 4 unit. That means I'll have 14 units altogether for the HSC. :(
  5. ~shinigami~

    List of HSC textbooks

    Yeah, the font and layout of coroneos are hard on the eyes. @_@ But it's still pretty good.
  6. ~shinigami~

    List of HSC textbooks

    Anyone care to do some reviews on the aforemention list of textbooks. I know some people have already commented on the Fitzy and Cambridge Textbooks, good job guys. :) I'm especially interested in hearing if the SuccessOne past papers for Chem, Physics and Bio are good. or Can anyone...
  7. ~shinigami~

    bio or physics ?

    I'm so glad I'm not doing the Astrophysics option next year. :p
  8. ~shinigami~

    Help- Next years HSC subject selection

    The Physics syllabus pisses me off. Seriously, I hate those damn long answer type things to do with society. e.g. What is the impact of the telescope on society? Or someshit like that. I want more problems to solve. I really like circuit theory and there was only one question in the damn...
  9. ~shinigami~

    So has everyone done all the HSC subject selections?

    I was just thinking that if schools who don't do it now, like SS and mine's, are gonna waste our time. Wouldn't it be better for people doing 4U Eng, 4U Math, Ext History, Ext Jap etc to get started straight away next term whithout having to wait for the school to get everything organised?
  10. ~shinigami~

    Another "Should I do it" one. Sorry peoples. :)

    I haven't really compared it to other school's test but my school is a selective if that makes any difference. I think I've set my mind now. I'll definately do 4Unit maths, theonly thing that can stop me now are the teachers recommendations. :)
  11. ~shinigami~

    So has everyone done all the HSC subject selections?

    Yearlies at my school are over but still no hint of what's going to happen. There's a rumour going around at our school that we have to stick it out with the same subjects for next term and can only start dropping next year. :( Also, the teachers are even more lazy than the students. :p I...
  12. ~shinigami~

    So has everyone done all the HSC subject selections?

    Like the title implies. Has everyone sorted out all the various dropping or picking up of subjects for Yr12? As in the official forms or what not. Are there forms? Cause I dunno what I'm talking about. With two days left of school and no word from my school, not even a hint of what's going...
  13. ~shinigami~

    Another "Should I do it" one. Sorry peoples. :)

    Thanks Riviet. :) I believe that in making this thread, I have committed what we call in the scientific community, a "whoopsie".
  14. ~shinigami~

    shuold i?

    Uh oh...I though I'd get more attention if I created another thread. Oops! Thanks for the encouragement Riviet. I appreciate it. :) SS, I believe you're doing 4U as well? Damn, I'm up against some crazy geniuses like you. :p P.S Lucky I'm not doing the HSC this year, otherwise I'lll be...
  15. ~shinigami~

    Another "Should I do it" one. Sorry peoples. :)

    Let's say a certain someone, i.e. me, is getting around 95% in 2U (ranked 1st) and 75%-85% in 3U (Not rank ed1st). Should I try 4U? I can kick most of 2 Unit's arse but my 3U isn't shit hot. I don't wanna be one those people who say "Hmph! I got 30% but I can get like 90%+ if I actually...
  16. ~shinigami~

    inequalities with the unknown in the denominator

    But 3 unit is fun! It involves buying hot chips that are saturated with sweet chilli sauce during the 10 min break and sprinting back across the 4 lane road whilst trying not to drop any chips and also making it back in time before the teacher LOCKS the door. Then proceeding to solve the problem...
  17. ~shinigami~

    shuold i?

    Never Mind this post. :)
  18. ~shinigami~

    inequalities with the unknown in the denominator

    Riviet, your sig is so funny. I laughed so hard at "4 factorial? That's heaps." :lol:
  19. ~shinigami~

    inequalities with the unknown in the denominator

    *Gasp* I can't believe I'm saying this because I hate any kind of curve sketching but I actually enjoy that part of inequalities the most. :) Plus the parabola doesn't have to be very accurate. It saves you testing points. :p
  20. ~shinigami~

    bio or physics ?
