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  1. H

    Ottawa Charter - priority areas options

    What if you didn't do depression? How can they ask that!..
  2. H

    Aborigines: Conflict and Co-operation

    Thanks.. I still don't like conflict and co-operation though. Hopefully it won't be asked.
  3. H

    Pedanticism about LCMD

    It is unlikley that you would lose marks because you don't put a date, or put an incorrect date. But really, the more accurate your information and the more detail you provide in your answers, the better your chances of giving an impressive impression to the marker. Learning the dates for the...
  4. H

    Difference between the Marketing Planning Process & Elements of a Marketing Plan

    What is the difference between them? Is the only difference that if you were asked about the planning process, you would write about the types of things that are in a marketing plan, and in elements of a marketing plan, you are in fact writing a marketing plan and under each heading you will...
  5. H

    Advertising, Licensing & Credit

    How much detail do you have when talking about these parts of the syllabus and do you have to mention them in every essay? I have always though that the Legal Issues and Remedies was so much more important, but if you have to talk about advertising, obtaining fincnace and occupational...
  6. H

    What do employers think of UWS?

    You don't agree with it at all? I thought it was quite a fair and reaosnable comment. I think it is ignorant to believe doing law at UWS has ABSOLUTELY no impact on your employment chances at a top tier law form. If all other factors (which Moonlight acknowledges) are equal, I believe a USyd...
  7. H

    What do employers think of UWS?

    I don't see how that argument is valid. If you're an employer, are you going to be more interested in the university they went to (because it might be an indication of their intellectual capacity), or the marks they have achieved in the field they are applying for during university? I believe...
  8. H

    Effective Working Capital

    I understand the purpose of factoring, but it doesnt technically improve working capital. If you have $100 of current assets and $50 of current liabilities your working capital is $50 (100-50) Lets say that $20 from your current assets were tied up in 'Accounts Receivables'. You factor $20...
  9. H

    Effectiveness Issues

    Nope. When answering an 'effectiveness' question, do most people just go through the elements of effectiveness? Fo example: a paragraph on access, a paragraph on equality etc.. or do you write about the issues and mention aspects of the elements of effectiveness when discussing the 'issues'...
  10. H

    Ottawa Charter - priority areas options

    From what I understand, they can only specifically ask you to write about CVD or cancer. However, if that is the case, why bother studying the other two priority areas you studied? *confused* Maybe they can ask you to write about a priority area you have studied other than CVD or cancer..
  11. H

    Effective Working Capital

    The syllabus states that factoring is a strategy for improved working capital. However, factoring sacrifices your working capital for improved cash flow. So how can this be right?
  12. H

    eeeeeeey anyone on the 29th nov cruise??!

    The title of this thread:
  13. H

    Law: Group work?

    $3,000 for law!? $0 - $3,847 is for National Priorities - why would law be so cheap? Law is a band 3 course - $0 - $8,018. In saying that, I hope it is only $3,000! :) EDIT: Thanks for the info on group work!
  14. H

    Bachelor of Social Science

    Jobs in policy analysis, social research, juvenile justice, Australian Federal Police, criminal justice, corrections and parole, police and investigative agencies etc.
  15. H

    equal and diff question

    You have to analyse the impact that a person's gender can have on equality. So, how does being a woman in Indonesia impact upon an individual's level of equality (or inequality) in that society? Do female receive equal education opportunities, access to powerful positions in society etc? (I dont...
  16. H

    Bachelor of Social Science

    Do you want to become a criminologist hiphop?
  17. H

    Business Law Association Launch

    So do I. It sounds like a great initiative and I hope all goes well.
  18. H

    Business Law Association Launch

    I'm going to try and find out what time my cruise arrives back in Sydney before I decide if I will have enough time to come or not. That is, if non-UWS students are still invited: Also, is it known how the association will achieve its goal of building networks and providing students with...
  19. H

    Law: Group work?

    Exactly, that is why I don't like group work. I do enjoy the interaction and team work, but in the past I have found that I feel I have to do nearly everything (even if others dont mind doing the work) so I get the mark I want.