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  1. H

    Multiple Choice Question..

    2004 kjkjkjkjlkjlkjl;kjsflshkagf;lskahgk;ashg;laskh;sasala
  2. H


    I have notes on suicide, and I don't know why.. lol We did Asthma and Injury, so I have no idea why I have it. And I can't find anywhere in the syllabus where I would need it - chuck it?
  3. H

    CVD Morbidity: Increasing or decreasing?

    Doesn't appear so..
  4. H

    i've come to the conclusion...

    Unless you are currently eating 90% carbs and no fat, you can carb load.
  5. H

    Energy Systems Q...

    Oxygen is present but it uses carbs, fats and protein.
  6. H

    Energy Systems Q...

    Only ATP-PC system uses creatine, the lactic acid system uses glycogen. H2O and C2O are the by-products for the aerobic system
  7. H

    i've come to the conclusion...

    I am in the autonomous stage of skills acquisition, I am moderately aroused, have done practise Qs, which has increased the level of specificity in my preparation. Although I haven't really tapered, I'll get plenty of sleep tonight to ensure peak performance tomorrow. In the morning and b4 exam...
  8. H

    Multiple Choice Question..

    I wouldn't be so sure. There is a point 'range os services available' under the major dot point Alternative health care approaches.
  9. H

    Energy Systems Q...

    I disagree with it being 1-10 seconds. If the action only took 1-2 seconds creatine phosphate would not be used. The residual levels of ATP would be used.
  10. H

    Multiple Choice Question..

    I just had my teacher mark an independent multiple choice paper I did, and she marked the follwoing answer incorrect, I'm confused.. Which of the following alternative health care approaches has a holistic focus which addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes of illness? (A)...
  11. H

    CVD Morbidity: Increasing or decreasing?

    That's what I'm worried about. If itis a short answer for example, I will have no problems because I can easily justify my answer. However, with multiple choice, there is only one correct answer. I spoke to my teacher and she said that both mortality and morbidity are decreasing, however...
  12. H

    Pe marks...

    lol, not everyone in Mt Druitt is dumb.
  13. H

    CVD Morbidity: Increasing or decreasing?

    I have 2 sets of notes on this and one sheet says that it is decreasing and the other says it is increasing. I went to the Australia Bureau of Statistics and a health report on trends for CVD revealed that between 1989-90 and 1995 CVD increased in prevalence/morbidity. But maybe it has decreased...
  14. H

    Strength Threshold

    Anaerobic training threshold for all strength training.
  15. H

    Training Thresholds

    It's a pain in the ass and BOS should identify which they prefer so students don't get confused. I usually say: Aerobic training threshold = 70% MHR Aerobic training zone = 70 - 80% MHR Anaerobic training threshold = 80% MHR Anaerobic training zone = 80%+MHR Although, as Without Wings...
  16. H

    Pe marks...

    Assessment mark: 95% Trial mark: 90% (independent)
  17. H

    Syllabus: Major health promotion initiatives

    Never mind, I am pretty sure I understand this dot point now.
  18. H

    Estimate how much you got in the 2005 legal studies paper

    Multiple Choice - 13 Short Answer - 7 (I wrote examples of international and domestic law) + I'll prob lose 1 mark in either of the other Qs Crime - difficult to say because I am not sure what they will be expecting and accepting - 22 Workplace - 25 Consumers - 25 Total: 92% I really hope...
  19. H

    Section I - Law and Society

    Oh fuck! I wrote examples of international and domestic law!! I did UDHR and Anti-Discrimination Act!
  20. H

    Syllabus: Major health promotion initiatives

    How are the Ottawa and Jakarta examples of government responses - weren't they done by WHO or a combination of people/organisations? Doesn't 'government responses' refer to what our Australian government has done? And what exactly is this a response to? Also, in the 'students learn to:' part...