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  1. jules.09

    How many marks have you dropped?

    Good luck! I have a feeling I shall be joining you. It's that or maybe Civil Engineering/Architecture, is what I'm thinking atm. Actually, I don't know anymore haha.
  2. jules.09

    Thoughts on raw mark needed for an E4

    If we're talking about mid 70s out of 120, and the trend is stable and continues onto this year, then alright, sounds good. :)
  3. jules.09

    Thoughts on raw mark needed for an E4

    Oh thanks heaps. You wouldn't also have the 4u ones too would you?
  4. jules.09

    How many marks have you dropped?

    As if you're getting 97.55. Don't be melodramatic.
  5. jules.09

    Thoughts on raw mark needed for an E4

    Lol where? WHAT. Lol the paper wasn't very easy imo but equally, an average of 30-40% for the state is kind of sad. What mark do you need for a 95 aligned anyway?
  6. jules.09

    How many marks have you dropped?

    Haha yes I'd swap too. :) Are you set on pharmacy?
  7. jules.09

    What do you think you'll get..

    No fucking way? Question is, how do you know what a conservative E4 estimate is? I'm skeptical. :p As far as I'm concerned, I don't think I'm prepared to look at the solutions properly just yet. Had half a graph wrong, some integration messed up in arithmetic error but 4-mid 7 seemed...
  8. jules.09

    What do you think you'll get..

    Wow that's still pretty sweet. I'm hoping for 95-100? Really do wonder what E4 cut offs would be this year.
  9. jules.09

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 2

    I hope so. But what makes you say that an E4 this year would be 70s? What are *you* expecting to get? :)
  10. jules.09

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 2

    Have no idea how I found this. Overall, it was do-able, but it was difficult? That area under the y = ln(1/x) one in question 8 was a 'godsend'. E4 cut off 90+ is pretty high, isn't it? I would've guessed 80+. *shrugs* I'm just making up figures. :shy: As a general question, was...
  11. jules.09

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2 (Modules)

    Uhmm, yes it's roughly 9-10 (it felt normal). I wrote 6.5, 5.5 and 6.5 pages today. However, I'm starting to get paranoid I missed out on some main arguments I should've liked to include. *fingers crossed*
  12. jules.09

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2 (Modules)

    Ah, my writing is 10 words per line usually.. so I would've written around 1100 - 1400 for all my essays. I think. I hope.
  13. jules.09

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2 (Modules)

    It's only this page that anyone's written less than 8...I wrote 6.5, 5.5 and 6.5, I generally write succinctly and have written quite small throughout. Did everyone else write large or something? How is it possible to write 10-12 for all of them?
  14. jules.09

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    You are pitied. And your two additional texts. :)
  15. jules.09

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    Makes sense. +1 Although, I feel sorry for those who didn't realise and did two. As for all the other comments, no you don't need to memorise essays. You need to remember strong arguments and quotes, address the question and yeah...
  16. jules.09

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    Creative was alright. I adapted my story, and then I emphasised the relationships.. and wrote more about relationships. And used the same ending. :)
  17. jules.09


    Haha, so true. Amidst my HSC studies, I like watching musicals with pizazz. :shy:
  18. jules.09

    Cutoffs for Optometry @ UNSW

    I was wondering if anyone could give me a clearer indication of the threshold, for both the UMAT and ATAR required for Optometry @ UNSW? P.S. Also, does anyone know what the UMAT and ATAR cutoffs are for dentistry in Adelaide?
  19. jules.09

    Formals - 2009

    Very funny Alex. Actuarial ball, seeing yourself there in a year's time? :p Well Bondi beach is fun at the summer time when it's near the end of year.. or even the start of one! That's where I am lol. Always. :cool:
  20. jules.09

    Formals - 2009

    LOL there's such a thing as an 'actuarial ball'? Hahahaha. Classic.