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  1. haboozin

    Curve Sketching?

    i dont think this makes a difference. its just y = |f(|x)|)| first RHS is mirrored to the LHS and then the bottom side is mirrored to the top with the top staying there... haha sorry crap at explaining, but u said u know how to do |y| and f(|x|) anyways.
  2. haboozin

    Any one applied for the B.IT Course?

    it doesnt tell you what to take to the interview? do we need any documents?
  3. haboozin

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    hey do we need to bring anything to the interview? report card? awards recieved? :s
  4. haboozin

    Multiple Choice Q20 now marking Guidelines to get 4/4 Fully explains both investigations which could include – Investigation 1: Since the solenoid is not in a [complete] circuit, no current can be induced by the...
  5. haboozin

    Raw marks --> Band placement?

    that was 4unit.... i think 2unit was HARDER aswell, but still rpetty basic. It was just the last Q that the 2unit kids couldnt do probs. The 3unit kids were fine. depends how you see the world. 2unit is the 3rd HARDEST maths course. ;) there is a big different between 2unit and general...
  6. haboozin

    Solution of Maths Extension 2 paper

    it should be an easy exam...(if you go by the alternate year theory) it'll be good for you if ur average/not very good.... and bad for you if your really good. then again, every exam was fucked up this yr (well the ones i did) so maybe things like physics will be fixed next yr.
  7. haboozin

    Official school rankings...sooooo?!?!?!?!?

    15140 English (Advanced) 2 17 / 44 15250 Mathematics Extension 1 2 7 / 42 15260 Mathematics Extension 2 2 1 / 14 15330 Physics 2 3 / 35 15360 Software Design and Development 2 1 / 9 oh and IPT was 2/18 last year
  8. haboozin


    im not sure what u r talking about, i think u have a totally different pictures of how the apparatus is than me. what i saw was 2 plates beside each other on the same horisontal plane. Now for that to be suspended in the middle motionless, it would have nothing to do with gravity. Its also...
  9. haboozin

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    oh man, im so nervous now. Im gonna fuck it up. i have an interview at 10:30 am and i will be flying from schoolies at 6 am that day. I'm gonna look like an idiot to them with like dirty hair and not shaved. i'll be totally out of it and not even understand them i've never done an...
  10. haboozin

    Any one applied for the B.IT Course?

    hey, you guys should get your letters tomorrow or monday. i just called him and asked - you can too if you want. my interviews on the 18th thank god. this is the number to call: 9514 1804 good luck boys.
  11. haboozin

    Multiple Choice

    hey, yea your right, i thought the same thing and actually put A. but it says "whent he switch is being closed" and if you remember that is the first experiment which showed the motor effect, how as the switch is being closed and opened a current was induced.
  12. haboozin

    Challenge questions

    way easier way use sub u = pi - x (u needa do it twice) or a = pi - x oops i forgot its one of those and u just do it twice and it comes out so nicely its in last yrs sydney boys high trial, if u wanna find out for sure.
  13. haboozin


    i got tricked like u aswell but the plates are vertical to each other but they are set horisontally just like kilikens oil drop experiment complain? i just want whoever that thought the setup was horisontal to be compensated eg wrote that it was neutral especially if they got the Q b4...
  14. haboozin

    Multiple Choice

    I think he is basing it on this: i got tricked by that aswell, but now when i think about it, this only happens because gravitational potential energy is changed to kinetic, however in this event for it to go up it has to gain gravitational potential energy which means that it has to gain...
  15. haboozin

    Multiple Choice

    how do u know these are the correct answers
  16. haboozin

    That sorting method

    i envy your coolness :(
  17. haboozin


    do u want me to post the MC? then u can post the answers... also, the diagram could be horisontal and the plates also horisontal facing each other? why couldnt they just say that the apparatus was vertically up?
  18. haboozin


    why is that? sorry for my ignorance, but i just don't understand why it has to be. btw helper, have you done the multiple choice? could u post your answers, thats the other thing i've become very concerned about. This question and MC :(
  19. haboozin


    thats not my concern, i know my forces and reaction forces very well (mechanics in maths) but my concern is the stupid diagram... they either should have had a clearer explination of how its actually setup or should have done like a 3d diagram. and about the oil drop, what i ment was, maybe...
  20. haboozin


    Miliken's oil drop experiment ?? see i've never heard of that either... is that like preliminary work or something? this is sooo dodgy.. i read every part of the hsc syllabus (both sections) and never heard of the oil drop experiment?