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  1. S

    Upholding humanity: Israel starves Gaza Strip of cash

    Oh? I'd be interested in hearing your case against its existence.
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    Under the requirement- do i have any chance?

    94.6 should get you in in the second round
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    Students to be taught there isn't a God in Victorian schools

    You must have a funny definition of education. It's not about shoving anything down anybody's throat. Whether God exists or not is up to each individual to decide, by drawing conclusions from the available evidence (or lack thereof) of God's existence. But regardless of whether or not God...
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    Students to be taught there isn't a God in Victorian schools

    That's a position I can respect much more than your initial post (perhaps you were unclear or I simply misunderstood). I am not opposed to teaching about religions in schools - I actually support it - but at the same time religion should not be taught as fact, because frankly, there isn't any...
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    Students to be taught there isn't a God in Victorian schools

    From a foolish argument straight onto Ad Hominem - you're on a roll! Let's take a look at what you said... So far so good... Now let's see why So, religious education is valuable because it supposedly gives people clarity and meaning (since, you clearly state, an absence or religious...
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    Students to be taught there isn't a God in Victorian schools

    Let me translate this for those of you who couldn't read past all of the fluff and waffling: We should teach our children whatever is necessary, regardless of whether it is true or not or supported by the slightest shred of evidence, as long as it gives them some sense of "meaning." Of course...
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    Future Students '09ers! meet and greet here

    Let's hear it. I've spoken to about a dozen graduates and employers and they all said to go either SEng or CompSci, and that IT was considered an easier degree.
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    Israel preparing strike against Iran

    I just wanted to say that I feel like my IQ has dropped 20 points since I started reading this thread. The quality of the arguments made by both sides is pathetic, and more often that not they are completely devoid of reason. That is all.
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    Future Students '09ers! meet and greet here

    I'm not 100% decided on what I want to study. My current preferences are: 1) B. Software Engineering 2) B.Information Technology/B.Arts 3) B. Arts (International Relations) If there were an option to take Software Engineering/Arts I'd do it, but there isn't :rolleyes: