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  1. ~aussiegirl!~

    How many assessment tasks do you have left?

    i have a total of 4 Maths open book test next monday business studies marketing report due next term first day back english which we havn't got yet and legal studies due first day back next term and then legals week 3, term 3!!
  2. ~aussiegirl!~

    SWL: Sydney West Lectures

    The Sydney West Lectures are on again this year @ St andrews College, Marayong On the 24th and 25th June 08 heres the link: It's pretty cheap..$25 for 3 sessions per night
  3. ~aussiegirl!~

    What would be the best End-Of-HSC anthem?

    Hot - Avril Lavinge for some reason it was just the first thing that came to my mind
  4. ~aussiegirl!~

    Elite school students get more special help in HSC

    my school has "special provisions" for all kinds of reasons some people who don't apply for special provisions and get crap marks seem to blame it on the fact that they weren't provided these facilities like they usually are
  5. ~aussiegirl!~

    What topic are you up to in the following subjects?

    English: AOS - done, Module A - Done, Module C - Done. Just have to do front line
  6. ~aussiegirl!~

    Is coming to school compulsory after trial exams?

    i say it is because u are then after trials studying for the hsc so why wouldn't it be
  7. ~aussiegirl!~

    sum up the hsc in one word?

    something we have to sit through to prove how much we can regurgitate SP? the textbook to get us to uni! It's bullcrap!
  8. ~aussiegirl!~

    2008 HSC Timetable

    LOL I have this friend who tried telling me that this timetable is only a draft! What BS !! she's like its a draft, cause they have to fix up clashes, "my mummy is in a school and is friends with people at BOS and they said its only a draft" My ASS! Whatever man! people like that piss me off!
  9. ~aussiegirl!~

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    Books, paper, pens, laptop, random things, cups, u name it it's there and occassionally my phone although along with the laptop it is rather distracting so when im using my desk its not really on there!
  10. ~aussiegirl!~

    Anyone else find this topic easy??

    I prefer this over global business! stick the ratios all on a piece of paper infront of your study desk or on the wall some where and write them again and again! you will remember them, im not a math person and im glad i remember them for the half yearly which was all based on this topic...
  11. ~aussiegirl!~

    Business Studies Competition :)

    btw this is on thursday! Who is doin it?
  12. ~aussiegirl!~

    CSSA Trials Timetable

    I think that is a DRAFT Because depending on cadiature some students may have clashes and the school will have to adjust the timetable to suit those students in particular subjects. We were given that timetable last term and was told it was only a draft
  13. ~aussiegirl!~

    Gap year talk.

    Re: Gap year [Rollcall] Well im sort of going to have a gap year! I'm thinking of applying for a traineeship with the local city council in Human Resources! So it wont be a gap year from studying cause u do one day a week of TAFE in the area that u apply for the traineeship in so yeah...
  14. ~aussiegirl!~

    SOR2 Islam assignment help

    I'd try and use Books if there are unreliable websites. Use Macquarie Revision guide, theres also a new Excel Revision guide also if u can get ur hands on them i'd ask ur teacher cause they should have either of the two and should let u photocopy or borrow them
  15. ~aussiegirl!~

    2008 HSC Timetable

    im alrite can't believe business studies is first, english was always first! I have a week of legal, english and math!! sucky!!! and then i have an 11 day break and my business services exam is on the 10th sucky is that!!! Im glad i have spent so much time on business...
  16. ~aussiegirl!~

    Any help with my problem?

    its all about what you enjoy, and know that you will do well in! not the scaling who cares, just make sure u do well and enjoy it, then you will be fine!:sleep:
  17. ~aussiegirl!~

    " & " and " and "

    It was a HSC Band 5/6 answer The 2004 English Advanced paper in section 2 it was an Essay on King Lear and the person who was given a band 5/6 used & and she still got the marks. You're not going to get marked down for spelling .. a whole heap of people at school spelt rhinoceros wrong in...
  18. ~aussiegirl!~

    " & " and " and "

    i have read band 5/6 answers where they use & I doubt you will get marked down for it at all
  19. ~aussiegirl!~


    christianity if you did that for one of the religions... There aren't many notes that are that up to date to the new syllabus on here! Also try buying Macquarie SOR revision guide
  20. ~aussiegirl!~

    Coleridge+Imaginative Journeys+ journeys?

    frost at midnight - self discovery