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  1. iRuler

    Misreading the Timetable

    lol (bad luck) Also, if she couldn't read a timetable, I doubt she would've done well in the maths exam tbh.
  2. iRuler

    is anyone else screwed for ancient tomorrow?

    It's a 2 unit subject, whatever you get for every 2 unit subject is halved and then added to make 10 units (incase of irregular units, they pick the one unit that scales best).
  3. iRuler

    An error occured. The request has been logged.

    I can access them, however harrisony has been updating them, so maybe try after some time?
  4. iRuler

    Are you Ugly?

    why wont anyone love me? :cry:
  5. iRuler

    What time do you get home from school?!

    used to take me either a 20 min drive or 60 min via public transport (same time it takes me to get to uni now... via train... bus not included, add on an extra 30min for bus including wait and trip etc...)
  6. iRuler

    UTS Bridging Courses

    Here's the link: (I'm assuming you've already seen it, you should call them up to ask for the $300 fee if you're not a student of UTS) I didn't do one, but my friends who did found it sort of useful, it's a bit of a rush through the whole...
  7. iRuler

    Gmail vs Hotmail

    I still have msn :( except it's with my gmail account :p
  8. iRuler

    Gmail vs Hotmail

    Gmail for sure, can't stand hotmail. (should've added a poll)
  9. iRuler

    "N Award" bullcrap.

    Firstly, should've kept up with work. Secondly, term 4 of the year is officially term 1 of year 12. Thirdly, if he "copied" off you, explain that, and just ask for another few days, if not explain to a higher authority.
  10. iRuler

    Can I apply for illness/misadventure?

    Dont think it'll work tbh, you can always apply after doing the tests tho, better see a dr first.
  11. iRuler

    Walking out of the exam?

    1.8 minutes per mark :) (based on an exam of 100 marks, with a 3 hour time limit). Spend every minute (well maybe finish with 5-10 minutes to spare).
  12. iRuler

    i think l got state rank (srs)

    Guys, relax.
  13. iRuler

    Sor 1

    Evaluate in general: Identify, Describe, Advantages, Disadvantages, Criteria, Judgement as for SOR1 idk, should follow the same thing (i think).
  14. iRuler

    iPhone 4S vs Galaxy Nexus - share your thoughts

    Maybe they named it "Galaxy" nexus because the Galaxy S2 has done so well, and hence giving a better impression of the phone.
  15. iRuler

    What time do you guys sleep before a hsc exam?

    10-12-2-4-not at all, depends.
  16. iRuler

    how do you study for maths ext 1?

    You should know all your formulas by now, past papers is the only thing to do.
  17. iRuler

    For Those Who Are Not Yet Motivated:

    that's not loss of motivation, it's more of a suicidal tendency... go to a doctor.
  18. iRuler

    lol i think i got state ranking for 2unit

    Re: lol i thing i got state ranking for 2unit Congrats, but it's think, not thing... so maybe you screwed english instead? :p
  19. iRuler

    iPhone 4S vs Galaxy Nexus - share your thoughts

    I think android still has some time to be fully ironed out like iOS, maybe about a year atleast. I prefer iPhone/iOS, the build is solid, the software takes advantage of the hardware and is ironed out nicely, android is still a bit rough around the edges and isn't ever really customized enough...
  20. iRuler

    I want to drop out of school.

    School/uni provides education, life provides knowledge, it's just a small shortcut as you get the knowledge from uni or whatever instead of having to learn it yourself. With that said, if you have some good idea, drop out and work for it, if not, may as well go to uni (it'll still be helpful...