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  1. agirlinatutu


    Are your marks getting worse? or are you dropping in the class in comparison? If not who cares. My history/geo teacher gives me a C for everything even if my english teacher would grade it as an A.
  2. agirlinatutu


    Wow... breathe girl. Its seriously not all as stressful as your making it. Have a look online at past SC papers and you will see how incredibly EASY it is. The science papers arent as content based as you think, they are very much skills and applying your knowledge. Burning out in year 10 is...
  3. agirlinatutu

    School Cert and HSC

    lol your marks in year 11 dont even go towards your HSC let alone SC. Dont stress now about HSC... leave that till when your actually doing it
  4. agirlinatutu

    Exams or assignments

    Assignments. Exams stress me out
  5. agirlinatutu


    lol why dont you go talk to your english teacher about what she reccommends? everyone screws up every now and again
  6. agirlinatutu

    Work Experience Helpzzz.

    Im guessing its not that far away, so your kinda in a little trouble. Alot of my year left it till now and they have nothing. Your best bet is to just sit down with the yellow pages and ring all the places till you find someone that either takes work experience and isnt taken already. Have a...
  7. agirlinatutu

    Macbeth: the play/do you like it/extended response questions

    lol We watched exerpts of that since it was rated in a way we couldnt watch the whole thing being a public school and in year 9. I found that version weird.
  8. agirlinatutu


    I've read two out of three of those books and I hated both. (Animal Farm and Maestro)
  9. agirlinatutu

    The School Certificate!

    It may be the biggest waste of time ever but if you want to continue with your senior studies, you gotta do it.
  10. agirlinatutu

    What are you going to do next year?

    Just outa curiosity namu... what do u regret about your subject choices?
  11. agirlinatutu

    changing schools-can i slack off?

    Just cruise through the rest of year 10. Thats what everyone else does. Try not to fail cos there is always the chance they could retract your scholarship
  12. agirlinatutu


    year 9 walking in my shoes macbeth animal farm 4 books that i had to read and do tasks on year 10 so far emma reading othello Seven Ancient Wonders A Christmas Carol
  13. agirlinatutu


    No not cramming. Ha cramming is how I intend to study for SC. I meant bring back old threads from last year instead of creating new ones. Its kinda annoying.
  14. agirlinatutu

    Subway or kfc

    subway all the way... kfc tastes alright but it makes me sick afterwards
  15. agirlinatutu

    Dark vs Milk vs White Chocolate

    Cadbury Milk :)
  16. agirlinatutu


    Do we have to get grave robbing and bring old threads from last year back? It makes it kinda pointless.
  17. agirlinatutu

    Macbeth: the play/do you like it/extended response questions

    Arent I lucky. I studied Macbeth in year 9 and I am currently studying Othello for my half yearly.:uhoh: Actually come to think of it I did it for my half yearlies LAST YEAR! meh. It was a speech/monologue where I had to choose a protagonist and describe how I(as in a character) moral decisions...
  18. agirlinatutu

    So You Think You Can Dance (Australia)

    It would help if Australia had the choreographers like Mia Michaels. 1st - Jack 2nd -Kate 3rd - Rhys 4th - Demi I really hope Demi doesnt win only because if Australia was to send an untrained dancer who doesnt like to wear shoes over to America we would be shot down and laughed at.
  19. agirlinatutu

    Economics Survey on shoes

    Name: agirlinatutu Age group: 21 and under Employment: Part time Do you own a pair of Nike Air Force One’s? No How many pairs do you have? N/A How much did you pay for your Air Force Ones? N/A What shoes do you wear if not Air Force Ones? Rabens, ballet flats, haviannas (thongs), volleys. How...
  20. agirlinatutu

    How do u STUDY?

    I dont :uhoh: hmmm maybe thats not just a great idea