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  1. !Solskjaer!


    I thought it was absolute pish. He woke up and it was all a dream...? WTF?
  2. !Solskjaer!

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    :ninja: Word!
  3. !Solskjaer!

    Abortion debate

    Dude, what the fark are you on about now? What's with introducing things I didn't even mention? Forget it, you're making to little sense. I'll try and make sense of it after a night of sleep. But first, answer me this: Does it not take a sperm cell and an egg cell to create an embryo?
  4. !Solskjaer!

    Abortion debate

    Ok, SOME, like the ones making laws regarding abortions.
  5. !Solskjaer!

    Abortion debate

    Thank you, you deluded farkwit, you've just proven my 'loss of direction' comment. Did I say the fathers carry the baby? Did I mention anything to do with any legal binding concerning the termination of a pregnancy? No, I didn't. I simply stated that the father has as much to do with the...
  6. !Solskjaer!

    Abortion debate

    You've totally lost all sense of direction in terms of the argument here, haven't you? The hole you've dug is far too deep to get yourself out of now. Your best bet is just stopping before you embarrass yourself even further. Though, I'm starting to understand what you're saying. The...
  7. !Solskjaer!

    Abortion debate

    A carrot is a living thing. It's murderous to eat carrots.
  8. !Solskjaer!

    Abortion debate

    As it's the woman's body, it's murder if she decides she doesn't want the baby (supposedly). Does that make it murder if the father walks out?
  9. !Solskjaer!

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    Finishing 6th in a league in which the bottom 16 spots could be fought out equally for by 16 teams isn't really that great. And your glasses probably aren't as rose-tinted as mine. {EDIT: Wow. Excuse the painful sentence structure, please.}
  10. !Solskjaer!

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    Err...because he is good enough to move on to bigger and better things?
  11. !Solskjaer!

    The Official Football Thread 2006/2007

    Palermo? Hey, didn't see that one coming...ough that's probably got more to do with the fact I've tried to stay as far from Italian matters as possible for the past few weeks.
  12. !Solskjaer!

    French tuition needed

    I'm in year 11, studying continuer level French, and looking for help with it. Parramatta area. (Excuse the briefness of this post.)
  13. !Solskjaer!

    'It' is coming!

    Oh, crap, I really should read previous posts before saying stuff.
  14. !Solskjaer!

    'It' is coming!

    Premium BoS? Or does it already exist? Or has 'it' already been announced?
  15. !Solskjaer!

    Speaking: Continuers Sample Questions, Topics

    So basically, they'll ask you something like "Qu'est-ce que tu fais dans ton temps libre?", and you just waffle on for as long as you can about it? Bonus points for speaking in all them abstract tenses? "J'aimais manger du pain" rather than just "j'aime manger du pain" when it can fit in the...
  16. !Solskjaer!

    "Mum, dad... I am gay"

    "You're too young to be making decisions like that." Yes, I'd even get that response if I was 30.
  17. !Solskjaer!

    Adv English- Individual and Society

    I did this in year 10. The 2 books that classes studied were Alibrandi and Catcher in the Rye.
  18. !Solskjaer!

    Adv English - Snow Falling on Cedars

    Snow Falling on Cedars Sydney Football Club :eek: By the way, I still haven't read past page 2.
  19. !Solskjaer!

    Adv English - Snow Falling on Cedars

    HELP! This book is so boring, I can't get past the 2nd line. I highly reccomend it for insomniacs. My sleep patterns have improved greatly since having to read it. Right, has anyone studied it, and is anyone willing to offer help?
  20. !Solskjaer!

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? Girraween:o