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  1. W

    SOFT subjects (the easy way out) . Your thoughts?

    I love the people who think others are dumb because of spelling mistakes. Go fuck yourself.
  2. W

    Estimate math 2 unit mark!!!

    you dont need 80-89 for a band.
  3. W

    Shaving arse-hair for guys?

    The only reason i would shave my arse is if someone was going to cut my dick off if i didnt. Thankyou.
  4. W

    UAI estimation pretty please

    why do the marks have anything to do with it?
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    skoolies 2008 bali!

    dont buy the tobacco at the airport. Its much much cheaper in the shops on bali rather than the airport.
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    shcoolies and sex

    hahahahahah is it just me or are a lot of people pinning their sexual hopes to schoolies. Do some of you think people dont have sex in nsw or something?
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    Please Estimate My Uai

    i think you will get 84.25
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    skoolies 2008 bali!

    food costs a big $10 for a seafood platter and a beer. Sick deal.
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    skoolies 2008 bali!

    US $1600 your gettin ripped the fuck off. I went over for 2 months stayed in own nice place for 20 dollars a night between 2 people. In the resorts food cost you a shitload more and so do drinks. Instead of $1 a bintang it costs $8. More than home! whatever your into though.
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    UAI for Engineering

    still no help mentions nothing of UAI.
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    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    At the end of the day something like half of the worlds richest people never went to uni or completed high school.
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    11 Units HSC only 10 count???

    I have 11 units with ext maths as the 11th unit. How does it work dropping half a subject. Example only counting one unit of physics. cheers
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    UAI for Engineering

    I would also like to know this. Especially for Marine Engineering. Any help woud be good. Thanks