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  1. 5

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    lol 'omfg he didnt mention teh indianz'.
  2. 5

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    Tempted to call...
  3. 5


    Daniel Dennett, Douglas Hofstadter and John Rawls.
  4. 5

    Are Obama Supporters Racists&Discriminatory??

    I'm sure there were a lot of black people who weren't voting on the issues... but then again I dare to say the vast majority of the population weren't either. I'm fairly shocked tbh that 54% of white people voted for McCain, he was simply not the best candidate so I think in this case I'd have...
  5. 5

    Sex without condoms...

    Idk where you get that 5% figure from. All that I know is that the idea of someone getting pregnant from sperm in precum alone is for the most part a myth (probably propagated because it's harder to tell a kid 'you wont be able to control yourself') in that it's extremely unlikely / there are no...
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    Sex without condoms...

  7. 5

    Sex without condoms...

    I don't want to promote the withdrawal method or anything... I think the truth is that everyone should use condoms if they're not planing on having a kid, but I also think we can be honest with people. edit: not really kids are dumb and we should just try to scare them into doing the right thing.
  8. 5

    Sex without condoms...

    Yeah sure but I think people need to explain properly the reason why withdrawal is ineffective. It's not because there's sperm still in your dick and it comes up with the precum or whatever because you'd been wanking earlier... the chance a girl will get pregnant from that is (and I had an...
  9. 5

    Sex without condoms...

    Err where'd you pull that from? Withdrawal method, as long as the guy actually does withdraw, is highly effective. If you do not fear STDs from your partner and you think you/he knows how to control it then it's fine not to wear a condom imo.
  10. 5

    Proposition 8.

    Today while I am happy with Barack Obama's win.... I have to say this happiness is tempered with a good bit of sadness for the passage of Prop 8 in California and similar bans in Florida and Arizona. Perhaps the saddest and most ironic thing about this is that while overwhelmingly the gay...
  11. 5

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE WILLING TO RISK THAT HE COULD BE THE ANTI-CHRIST?!! holy shit... you guys are sick/. see you in hell.
  12. 5

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    Maybe OBAMA is secretly the anti-christ? Both his parents and his maternal grandparents were godless, pretty much satanists.
  13. 5

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    Yeah it couldn't possibly be because Obama is one of the most articulate politicians in America, who made McCain (someone who isn't a joke) look like a bumbling old grandpa.
  14. 5

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    He really wasn't THAT different tbqh...
  15. 5

    Why McCain will lose

    was his grandmother an atheist? The one who raised him? If she was that'd be rather interesting. Well it sounds like from my quick research his maternal grandparents (who raised him) and his mother and father were all atheists or at least extremely secular... There may be some truth to this...
  16. 5

    2012! What will happen?

    What astronomy facts are you talking about specifically though man and...what does it have to do with the end of the world in 2012?
  17. 5


    If something is 'by definition' the union between a man and a woman then it doesn't matter whether someone 'allows gay marriages' to exist. Unless what you mean is that "The definition of marriage should not be allowed to change to include gay marriage because the definition by current...