Search results

  1. agirlinatutu

    Environmental Science!!!!?!

    UNSW - Assumed Knowledge: Maths, Chemistry, plus bio or earth and environmental science or physics or HSC Maths Ext 1(depending on chosen area of study) USYD: Maths or Ext 1. Other assumed knowledge depends on chosen subject area UTS: Any two units of science So I guess it depends where you...
  2. agirlinatutu

    Enrollments for year 12 ?

    Why do you want to change?
  3. agirlinatutu

    Subjects Selection Help :)

    Japanese Beginners or cont?? :)
  4. agirlinatutu

    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    great contribution :)
  5. agirlinatutu

    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    great contribution :)
  6. agirlinatutu

    Enrollments for year 12 ?

    Your interrupting your school studies if your changing in year 12, and there are so many things like getting the exact same subjects, that could not work out. If your going to change, change now.
  7. agirlinatutu

    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    Er yeah its my number one goal in life
  8. agirlinatutu

    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    and where is that going to get you in life?
  9. agirlinatutu

    Fake HSC paper

    Namu are you aiming for bloody genuis?
  10. agirlinatutu

    best way to pick a subject

    Pick subjects you enjoy. You are more likely to do well in them and get the higher marks. Atleast this wasnt another scaling thread
  11. agirlinatutu

    twilight series

    Hated it the first time i sped read it. I liked it the second time round. Its not my favourite but its the way she wrote it,
  12. agirlinatutu

    SC study timetable

    Do the online mutilple choice on the board of studies website. Test your knowledge and go from there. Dont go all out with the study because you wont need it.
  13. agirlinatutu

    Should I do Music?

    Ditto for that. SC music is whatever your school decides to make of it.
  14. agirlinatutu

    Macbeth; Contextual Influences

    It was my teacher who told us about it. But its good for getting ideas and concepts if you have no idea.
  15. agirlinatutu

    Macbeth; Contextual Influences

    Meet Sparkie He is your new best friend
  16. agirlinatutu

    Stupid plans.....

    That only lasted 2hours lol
  17. agirlinatutu

    Standard or Advanced English?

    LMAO Advanced and if you find it to hard drop to Standard. Or maybe just standard.
  18. agirlinatutu

    yet another thread about subjects

    Im in year 10 and its beginning to shit me. That and the constant post about what subjects you should do, people give their advice, and then the OP asks the same question or ignores everyon. If you dont want the advice then dont post.
  19. agirlinatutu

    School certificate exams

    No one is going to give a flying crap if you dont get all band 6's. Stop studying. Get a life And save your studying for next year and year 12 when your actually going to need it
  20. agirlinatutu

    yet another thread about subjects

    Have you received your lines yet? I would wait till you recieved them and see what combination fits into the lines. If your still undecided about which ones, it gives you a bit of room to move. Dont pick due to scaling. Who said you'll even get 90 in chemistry? High scaling subjects can have a...