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  1. ASNSWR127

    Australian Politics

    you do realise that most thinking people see the menzian era as boring stuffiness that was swept away by Gough - it is the rewriting of history by Howard and co that has led to this belief... they rewrote history to suit themselves and thus ushered in a new age of stuffy boringness...
  2. ASNSWR127

    what TYPE of school do u go to?

    Re: Public School vs. Private doesn't matter - its all relative of your needs/wants. whatever suits you and whatever you are aiming for. I would personally send my kids to a public school but that is just me, many and varied resons for that. There is no reason that public schools should not...
  3. ASNSWR127

    Single sex schools vs coed

    pffffft of course co-ed is better. I mean do we live in a world where you are segregated on sex? no.
  4. ASNSWR127

    nsw gov

    aaaahhh reds under the beds! how easily you were sucked in by a fear campaign...
  5. ASNSWR127

    What won't you miss about high school.

    gay school clothes - who the fuck wants to wear a stupid white shirt every day??!?!!?! general pettiness.
  6. ASNSWR127

    Healing the 'scars' the HSC has left you

    I think it was more 'shit' call.
  7. ASNSWR127

    Conservative muslims take over Somalia

    that's why it was a throw away statement not to be taken seriously by the socially retarded people of BoS - apologies.
  8. ASNSWR127

    Conservative muslims take over Somalia

    chill I w1as talking about conservatives in fact being radical right wing god loving folk
  9. ASNSWR127

    Healing the 'scars' the HSC has left you

    seriously guys it was just a test, get over it and move on
  10. ASNSWR127

    Conservative muslims take over Somalia

    lol I would say that is pretty much universal! Islam or otherwise!
  11. ASNSWR127

    do u need to be 18 to buy a vibrator?

    you I believe are a 'troll'... wow i used that word - now i use BoS...
  12. ASNSWR127

    Why is education a competition?

    um its cos of money...
  13. ASNSWR127

    Should Australia be a Republic?

    Re: Should Australia be a Republic. hang on a second buggalugs dont be so quick to dismiss that. You arent thinking of all the costs... every singe uniform of every single serving member of every single police/fire and ambulance service would have to change, every sign, every piece of...
  14. ASNSWR127

    nsw gov

    sorry to clarify i didn't mean "old labor" as in "old left" or anything like that. I meant the old style of good policy and good morals rather than speaking Chinese, looking like a twerp, having no oratory skills whatsoever, and going along with what the former government did...
  15. ASNSWR127

    Should Australia be a Republic?

    Re: Should Australia be a Republic. nah no reason to be a republic... it would cost SO MUCH to change over system's, money which could be spent on more importnant things.
  16. ASNSWR127

    nsw gov

    not going into all that now... and nah I don't really - not the ALP of nowadays, the old ALP that died with the loss of Keating...
  17. ASNSWR127

    nsw gov

    Yeah even ALP guys like me don't support the NSW Government sack 'em Marie
  18. ASNSWR127

    We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employee

    yeah OK so I can talk about how awesome my sex life is and make realy obvious and stupid homosexual jokes? hahahahuhuhuhu funny guys funny
  19. ASNSWR127

    English Teachers, Can they teach?

    I said abysmal why did i bnother with class but I didnt bother with class lol - still got in the 80's for trial... says something about the standard and the use of english teachers teaching imaginitive journey's...