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  1. Pwnage101

    Main round offers

    cheers mate, i hope you'll be in the same position as well
  2. Pwnage101

    How hard is Actuarial Studies

    thx for your post!
  3. Pwnage101

    Main round offers

    thx a heap it's nice to know people helping us out who have been through this before
  4. Pwnage101

    School Leavers Scholarships

    no you applied for both - you don't chose which they give you, they decide. and it's the same thing in terms of offers - merit is just for longer
  5. Pwnage101

    goodbye from law forum

    i salute you frig!
  6. Pwnage101

    Media degrees: Mac VS. UNSW

    *bump* (he only has 10 horus to decide, anyone can help him?)
  7. Pwnage101

    What to choose?

    personally, i'd travel an extra 30 mins a day if i thought id get a better education at that place, or i like it more, etc. that's just me if your willing to do the travel, yes, but if your looking for convenience and still getting a great eductaion, then think about it more
  8. Pwnage101

    Main round offers

    yeh, so we know that late round offers are made, but just want to know the probability that we'd get one or the stats as to how many are given (we're not talking law/medicine/etc)?? cheers
  9. Pwnage101

    Main round offers

    ATM, yeh macquarie's the go
  10. Pwnage101

    Main round offers

    that's what i intend to do
  11. Pwnage101

    Main round offers

    yeh i understand that, but i just want to know my chances of getting a late round offer into B Commerce @ UNSW? because if they give out more than 20 late round offers into that course, i rekon my UAI will pull me in i just ask incase i change my mind [so it in effect gives me an extra 2-3...
  12. Pwnage101

    Main round offers

    counterman, what's your UAI, because when they hand out late/final offers, isnt it also based on your UAI?
  13. Pwnage101

    What to choose?

    UTS isn't 'shit', transportation is a factor you need to consider when going to uni..
  14. Pwnage101

    actuarial exemptions

    Really?? Never knew that. Nice!!!
  15. Pwnage101

    chance of getting a actuarial job after graduation

    technical skills, does this include stuff like computing (excel, etc)? and co-curricular actvities at Uni, not school, right?
  16. Pwnage101

    Macquarie Uni Info Day

    i went in the arvo...there wasnt much to do
  17. Pwnage101

    DUX of school: did not do ESL?

    me (equal dux with another person who didn't do ESL) actually, no matter who duxed, they wouldnt have done ESL because my school doesnt offer it :D LOL
  18. Pwnage101

    few questions on acturial studies

    lol thx for the compliment :D (although i don't consider myself a genius, i just worked hard) PS: Going to all the uni info days today confused me (with regards to UNSW vs MACQ) such a tough choice...
  19. Pwnage101

    pharmacy offers out?!

    thx! :)