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  1. Pwnage101

    WHY and HOW does cellulose have the basic Carbon structures?

    i don't know WHY cellulose has carbon in it, that's just the way it is (that's like asking why water has hydrogen in it or why carbon dioxide has carbon in it, it just does) What i can tell you is all you need for that point is that cellulose is a polymer of B-Glucose, and so basically is a...
  2. Pwnage101

    Projectile Qu Help =]

    sorry, darkchild69 but i'm sure you are better qualified to asnwer the questions, so if you see a mistake or just want to add your 2 cents to the mix, feel free
  3. Pwnage101

    Main Round offers??

    maybe because people work? i dunno either, id rather it be as early as possible :rolleyes:
  4. Pwnage101

    What texts do you think we SHOULD be studying for HSC English?

    none. I hate reading books, especially after HSC english....
  5. Pwnage101

    Projectile Qu Help =]

    4theHSC, 10HZ as a frequency means basically they took a photo 10 times a second, and stroboscope means they overlaid the pictures, so basically, if it's to scale u can find out the distance travelled, and you haave the corresponding time between each photo/position (ie0.1 seconds), from there...
  6. Pwnage101

    Projectile Qu Help =]

    um - NO, NO , NO, NO, NO!!!!!! (hyperventalates) your working out is wrong, specifically i don't understand why you halved 2040 - in any case, you got the correct answer, but that's because the angle is 45 degrees - i'll show you what you did wrong: read the equations they give you on...
  7. Pwnage101

    Looking forward to the future... But struggling to survive the present. Anyone else?

    Don't Worry, it'll be over ebfore you know it ;) at times it will seem long and you want it to be over, but the day you graduate you will feel as if it was just the blink of an eye, or at least that's how i felt
  8. Pwnage101

    Is JUAI/SAM/ALBERT calculators accurate???!!!

    it must be very close at the top end JUAI: 99.90 SAM: 99.95 Einstein: went crazy and had an error, dont think it handles high aggregates well actual UAI: 99.90
  9. Pwnage101

    Physics Tutor Wanted

    yeh, ingleburn is too far...
  10. Pwnage101

    Independent an dependent variables

    um yeh, Power = VI Work = Energy = VIt so Work/time = VIt/t = VI = power so in order for the slope (rise/run) to give you power, the x-axis would need to be time, and the y=axis Work
  11. Pwnage101

    How to answer syllabus dotpoint

    No worriez post up any questions you have whenever, and i'll b glad to help
  12. Pwnage101

    question about general solutions

    yes, both solutions are correct because since n is any integer, (n+1) is any integer as well...
  13. Pwnage101

    Your contribution towards maths

    no worriez, mate.
  14. Pwnage101

    anyone taking B-acc with B-actuarial ?

    hey there,i'm doin actuarial studies, but not sure about which double to take, which is fine because apart from computer science and law, for the rest of the other combinations with actuarial, everyone does the same first year as single-degree people, so we still have a year to decide without...
  15. Pwnage101

    Epic Gayness

    yeh, this must be for the mode of 'representing', which has to be assessed, except we had the option of doing it on computer
  16. Pwnage101

    How to answer syllabus dotpoint

    yes, everything else is correct :)
  17. Pwnage101

    quick question: your ranks at school

    their exam mark would be ~96 then, wouldn't it?
  18. Pwnage101

    How to answer syllabus dotpoint

    No!!!! There does not necessarily need to be equal amounts of reactants and products, but the rate of the forward and reverse reactions are equal, so to the naked eye it looks like nothing is changing/occurring
  19. Pwnage101

    How to answer syllabus dotpoint

    chemistry contexts 2 (school provided) ,conquering chemistry, jacaranda (by geofferey Thickett - newish one, nice colours), dot point chemistry are what i used, all good textbooks - i agree contexts 2 is not the best to structure your learning on, the others are better, contexts 2 is better for...
  20. Pwnage101

    How to answer syllabus dotpoint

    yes, that is the definition of a 'weak' acid