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  1. L

    Is UNSW Your First Preference?

    not suprised considering the Engineering courses UAI is so low. if you only got a UAI of around 80 and did 3u maths and physics and chem, the chances are your going to struggle with uni physics and maths.
  2. L

    How Does HECS work?

    first you choose the course that has HECS (not DFEE) then when it comes to enrolement you fill out a HECS declaration form, with Tax File number, you can also pay the full amount upfront before a certain date (around 1 month into the semester) and you will get a discount... i think its...
  3. L

    Bond 2008

    is BOND a full paying uni only?
  4. L

    B degree: single or combined

    p.s what degree did you obtain and what job do u do now?
  5. L

    B degree: single or combined

    wow go to uni not to have a goal of gaining employment at the end? LOL may aswell study the Da Vinci Code. I'm sure you could make a whole 3 year course out of it easy. I'm sure Macquarie Bank are looking for DaVinci Code experts :D:D:D:D:D:D
  6. L

    DFE courses should graduate with DFE stamped on thier Results

    u guys are implying DFEE is something to be ashamed about. if it is the same thing then there shouldnt be any problems should there? Having something like B.Commerce (DFEE) is just extra information. Similarly just like someone graduating with B.Commerce and B.Commerce (Accounting)
  7. L

    B degree: single or combined

    waste of time. employers dont care how many degrees u got
  8. L

    Permanent Resident not Eligible for Hecs/CSP?

    good on them. imagine if i went to USA and them giving me free education. lots of these people once they get thier degrees move OS, never to return and never paying off thier HECS, was a huge loopehole
  9. L

    DFEE CONFUSION. Please clear it up

    probably the same people who line up for 15minutes at woolworths petrol station to use their 4c discount voucher at the norht shore. LOL:lol:
  10. L

    DFE courses should graduate with DFE stamped on thier Results

    touchy touchy. hit a raw nerve mr DFEE??
  11. L

    DFE courses should graduate with DFE stamped on thier Results

    hecs is for all australians rich or poor:apig:
  12. L

    DFE courses should graduate with DFE stamped on thier Results

    CSP/HECS has always been around from day dot.
  13. L

    DFE courses should graduate with DFE stamped on thier Results

    anyway i guess there is no need, when it comes time to enrollment time, you know who the DFEE students are, it will be the short express line and everyone will be holding a cheque book LOL
  14. L

    DFE courses should graduate with DFE stamped on thier Results

    so there is discrmination in entry but non when they have entered? yes same course, but different. different entry thus different degree.
  15. L

    USYD Combined Medicine Interviews

    well done, what was involved with your interview? was it hardcore? or just a get to know u session?
  16. L

    Medsci to Medicine

    i think there are risk with both repeating and doing a med sci. redo HSC - get 95+ - still not guaranteed a place - may waste a year Do Med Sci - no guarantee of DN avg, and even if get DN abg, still need interview. but at least your 1 yr into a uni degree.
  17. L

    Medsci to Medicine

    what is invlved with the interview? is it to assec your english skills? or there are questions like why do u want to become a doctor?
  18. L

    DFE courses should graduate with DFE stamped on thier Results

    so is it embarrassing for you to have DFEE on your record? if there are 2 difference entry codes they should be treated differently, then the lecturers know if you fail then if you pay them a few k they will pass you. lol