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  1. L

    how long will enrollment take tomorrow (16th)

    yes parents are ok for mommas boys. lines are very long allow for at least 5 hours to do forms and take student photo.
  2. L


    is that sort of language really necessary? :cool:
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    i use the green woolies bags. the chicks dig it coz i'm enviromentally friendly and a great coversation starter
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    voice recorders

    froma shop :worried:
  5. L

    which is easier? ACCG201 or ECON232

    if u like statistics then 232 is easy. if you want to pursue an accounting degree then accg201 is pretty much essential to do
  6. L

    Transferring from DFEE to CSP?

    there not that stupid:o
  7. L


    u live on campus dont u? dont u have friends thru that? as they are all living away from home?
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    Transfer Q's

    3years combined>2years combined >1year combined you dont seperate your gpa by years. only if you changed degrees.
  9. L

    transfer to UTS using uai- how exactly does this work?

    phone up admissions and let the rest of us know
  10. L

    Rate my professor equivilent

    like how good looking they are :)
  11. L

    Is it worth waiting for 2nd, 3rd, final round offers?

    yes UAC dont know you accepted a 1st round offer. u still get 2nd round even if u accepted 1st round i think when you enroll in your second round course, you tell them about your 1st round acceptance and that will automatically cancell your 1st round accpetance obviosly if you recieve a...
  12. L

    Transfer Q's

    yes your whole uni gpa in that degree. generally 200 and 300 level sujects are harder, so when u have done 2 years at uni, a GPA of 5.5 in 2nd year is worth more than a GPA of 5.5 in first year and similarly a GPA of 5.5 after 3 years is more highly regarded than a GPA of 5.5 after 1 year.
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    Stressed Out

    B. Fin Planning looks like a good degree, lots of jobs afterwards. and woldnt take much to later get the required accounting subjects to get into CPA/CA
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    Transfer Q's

    ^^^ yes NRSL index of 95, thats more than enough
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    Applying for transfer in Jan 08 for Mar 08 start

    an arts course with over 100 places, you can bet on it that there would not be a 100% take up rate. so definitly there will be late round offers.
  16. L

    Is it worth waiting for 2nd, 3rd, final round offers?

    accept first round, you can then accept your 2nd round if u choose
  17. L

    Stressed Out

    goto UWS, so long as you get a PASS average you can get into MQ on transfer. to make the most out of your UWS experience look for the same subjects done at UWS and MQ so u can get as many advanced standing as possible when u transfer.
  18. L

    University Preparation Programs

    never, its more like 9am to 6pm monday to thursday with a lecture at 9am and another lecture at 2pm and a tutorial at 3pm and another turtorial at 5pm if you can duck out and go back to your "job" for the hours between the lectures then go for it.
  19. L

    University Preparation Programs

    with that attitude forget about it. if u cant commit to 400hours in 6months then uni wont be suitable for you, even part time