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    Muslim cleric says its OK to rape your wife

    having sex with middle eastern women is considered beastiality
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    Anyone else exicted?!!

    fuking noobs must die
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    Dad throws 4 year old daughter off bridge

    someone give the guy a tissue
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    Bachelor of Pharmacy & Bachelor of Science?

    u can do pharmacy honour, which may involve lab research
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    F**k off were full

    so you dont think u ever eaten pork in your life?? hahaha next time look at your pizza, the pizza boys who get paid $4 an hour dont give a shit if they mix in a few peiced of pork, there hands touch pork from the previous order, the cutter has pork peices on it. oh and u can stop eating at...
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    Ok I'm confused...Please Help!!

    accepting is selfish if u are waiting for a final round offer
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    Question on second round offers

    enroling in main round offer would be selfish if you have no intention of taking it up
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    USYD Pharmacy '09 Roll Call!

    not true buddy
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    In your course...

    yes heap drop out. at least 50% in some courses especially in science related courses
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    Deferring for 2 years

    defer once only. u can reapply thru uac again in 2010 and derfer that again. if you got in in 2009 there is no reason why if u reapply again in 2010 u wont still be able to get in.
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    F**k off were full

    and kiddies please dont phone up radio stations, you guys sound like retards.
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    F**k off were full

    muslims are pretty retarded though, i mean praying 1000 times a day, facing a particular direction, cant eat pork.... but then they go and steal cars and resell them
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    F**k off were full

    Multimedia - The Daily Telegraph I'm not racist, says 'f*** off' teen | National News | if i ran into this bitch i'd knock her out
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    Science degrees cost less in 2009!

    if your a NEW 09 student then yes u pay the new lower rates if your a pre-09 student then u continue to pay the old expensive rates for the sujects u do in 09 and 2010 etc
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    UWS engineering.. any good?

    so it must of taken him 15 years to complete his degree?:rofl:
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    UWS engineering.. any good?

    i know a guy who studied at UNSW failed heaps of subjects due to playing online games 24/7. 5 years after he has gradutated he still has not had a decent engineering job to date and is doing volunteering jobs
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    UWS engineering.. any good?

    haha the people who say if you graduate from UWS u cant get a job.... but look at the quality of students. they need to look in the mirror. even if these same students went to UTS or UNSW, they woulndt of gotten a job, especially with the amount of fails some of these students end up with when...
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    Science degrees cost less in 2009!

    the politicians already got their headlines, there is no way they are going to retrospect the fees and lose out on millions of dollars. in fact they dont really care if it works or not. its all politics. if they really want to address the shortage, especially in teaching, they should make all...
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    Sydney (the best)?

    most important are looks ->work experience->grades-> what uni u went to put it this way... if you were fugly, you wont geta job in front of a camera for a journalist/presenting role no matter how good your grades were or which uni u went to. if you are a law graduate, they probably wont...