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    HSC Mathematics Marathon

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    HSC Mathematics Marathon

    The answer is no, I'll let you figure out why not.
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    Careless mistakes?

    - For applied mathematics questions, check whether your answer is reasonable via common sense: eg. If you get probabilities which exceed 1 or physical quantities with negative values, you screwed up. This highlights the importance of gaining an intuition on how maths concepts are applied - HSC...
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    2011 Semester 1 timetables

    You should have part of Friday morning off, depending on whether they split the three hours into labs and tutes. Computing tutes are useless, computing labs are important however (weekly assessments).
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    I've narrowed it down to four majors... I just need to pick two. Help?

    econometrics is a heavily dumbed down version of statistics. do statistics and finance.
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    Complex Numbers Questions

    2. Re(z)=2 So z=2+ib z^2=4-b^2+4ib So let X=4-b^2, Y/4=b so X=4-Y^2/16 Y^2=16(4-X) => Sideways parabola
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    So, you have chosen your subjects...

    Given the sheer number of threads started on timetabling, I am writing this thread to answer some questions on what happens next, especially with regards to getting prepared to start (especially in regards to textbooks). Hopefully people may find what they need here so they wont have to create...
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    Bachelor of Science (Statistics) what should i expect?

    ABS is obvious. CSIRO as well (you may need to develop some computing skills as well) RBA if you have some economics knowledge.
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    Maths Prelim Question

    "discrimminant" not "determinants" - too much first year maths haha
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    Maths Prelim Question

    Using the completing the square method a=(-5/2)^2=25/4
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    Maths Prelim Question

    um question makes no sense
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    2011 Semester 1 timetables

    actuarial major im guessing
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    What to combine law with?

    Dinner table degree - sole purpose of doing it is for asian parents to brag about it to fellow asians.
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    Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required?

    Re: Quick thread -How much derivation in Parametric Equations of Parabola is required You only have write down the derivation for tangent of P. For Q, just say "Similarly, the tangent at Q is...", and just write down equation of tangent for Q (mere substitution of parameters). This is...
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    Fees/HECS/Timetables seriously its not that hard... just find out which courses you have to do and put them in.
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    timetables are officially made at my.unsw but for drafts, use:
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    not quite the same, when you enrolled , you should have created/received a password, which lets you access my.unsw to hecs details.
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    Parametric equations of Parabola - Need help

    Cheers Drongoski =D Bored is right though, I did my HSC in 09 but im doing maths and finance, not adv maths. I had another account in 2009 but I didnt use it much in HSC so I decided to start fresh. I just enjoy maths so I come here to help others when needed.
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    Higher Maths and course troubles.

    I suppose that is true for most MATH1141 students. But small mistakes can cost you a HD in MATH1131, while small mistakes wont cost you too much in MATH1141. Anyway, do MATH1141 if you enjoy maths.