Search results

  1. louise08

    Which Uni had the best reputation for Bachelor of Education (primary)?

    thanks for your help. Does B. Education (primary) offer 'honors' in the last year or the course? I read somewhere that it did.. I'm thinking that would be a great motivation. Also if your from a 'shire' school you receive 3 bonus points.. I've lived in the shire all my life and attended a...
  2. louise08

    Has Anyone Finished their HSC and RETURNED back to school to do it again?

    wow, i thought you could just repeat year 12, but you actually have to repeat both year 11 and 12??
  3. louise08

    Organising Work (merged)

    Re: Folders or Books? I use one folder for every subject with dividers and loose paper, I take this one folder to school and home every day. Then once I have finish a topic for a subject I take those notes out and place them into a folder for that particular subject that I keep at home. (in...
  4. louise08

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    -Advanced English -Extension English -General Maths -Geography -Business Studies -Society and Culture -PE
  5. louise08

    Which Uni had the best reputation for Bachelor of Education (primary)?

    Thanks I am leaning towards UOW atm, but that was just purely because I liked the sound of it and its atmosphere. I go to a school in the heart of the city atm so I'm thinking it will be a good change. Are you doing the course Bachelor of Education (primary)??
  6. louise08

    school rank

    how do you find out what the dux got for your school in the last few years? thanks
  7. louise08

    Which Uni had the best reputation for Bachelor of Education (primary)?

    title says all. thanks
  8. louise08

    Natural talent or just a lot of hard work put in?

    Do you guys believe that the people who receive UAI's of 99+ are naturally smart.. like ever since primary school ha. OR do you think they are the people who work their butt off? Just a random question..
  9. louise08

    Gap year talk.

    I always be all for gap years.. but now I'm starting to reconsider. Isn't there a 4 month break after HSC before uni starts? I reckon 4 months would be more than enough to get a good traveling experience. Why would taking the whole year off be a better way to go??
  10. louise08

    3 study problems..

    thanks everyone!! real good tips you all gave !
  11. louise08

    3 study problems..

    thanks yeh they are some good ideas!!
  12. louise08

    3 study problems..

    i know everyone on my msn and myspace. my friends :P
  13. louise08

    3 study problems..

    1. I actually really enjoy studying and doing my assignments. But somehow I still find it hard to actually START. I get my books together and study notes.. and then I just can't seem to start so I find something else to do. 2. I only work if I'm under pressure by the due date. I know alot of...
  14. louise08

    Can someone please explain 'ranking' to me.

    I'm in year 11... Is it just important so you stay on track and make sure your going better than the majority of the people in your year? Or does the HSC or UAI actually take your rank into consideration? Thank you
  15. louise08

    scaling on SAM

    Thanks everyone. I've only had one exam for each subject...So I cant really judge how I am going as of yet. But thats pretty disappointing that my subjects don't scale well... but i suppose it will make me work harder!
  16. louise08

    scaling on SAM

    I'm very new to this, being in year 11. I tried out SAM for the first time, and I wasn't very happy to say the least!! I wrote in 70 for each subject, because I am averaging 70 for every subject at the moment. Society and Culture Advanced English Extension English General Maths...
  17. louise08


    hahaha grow up. Its a free forum to post pretty much whatever you want. You say you want to have some fun... well then why waist your time replying to my 'negative' post? It was barely negative anyway.. I was just saying that I just found out the uni I loved the look of.. is in a totally...
  18. louise08

    Bachelor of Education + Exchange?

    Okay all is forgiven. It just came across I little unnecessary, when I'm taking about my dream job here.
  19. louise08

    What don't u like about the opposite sex !

    'Lads' I really don't find an ugly pair of NIKE shoes, with short cheap shorts, a collared top and a cap attractive at all. Saying 'Yerr brahhh.. Bombing up the trains lad' constantly doesn't really help them either. Every time I see a 'lad' I wonder if they look in the mirror in the...