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  1. D

    Atar Estimate Please :)

    I get 85.. Focus on english and chem. goodluck
  2. D

    ATAR Estimate

    I get 89... but very low confidence given you are ranked 1st in many of your subjects and have small class sizes. 92+ definitely attainable if you perform well in the exams. Goodluck
  3. D

    What's the worst case scenario ?

    You can put in the raw marks you think you will get into one of the many ATAR calculators out there to get an idea...
  4. D

    What's the worst case scenario ?

    I don't have VET subjects in my estimator... but I estimate around 85 with low confidence. You are ranked highly in all of your subjects even though they don't scale all that well.
  5. D

    Can I get 91.6+ ?

    Currently I get 89 for you... so you aren't that far off. If you examine better than those ranks indicate you will get there. Focus on modern and maths for biggest uplift. Goodluck.. I hope you get there. I think Engineering is definitely a worthwhile degree... Kind of wish I did it in...
  6. D

    ATAR estimate please

    I get around 77... But low confidence give class sizes. English and business dragging you down quite a bit. Focus on them. You also have the rank 1 booster in general maths.
  7. D

    ATAR estimate? Stressing like hell?

    I get 79... I assumed english advanced. Legal is hurting you a bit. Goodluck
  8. D

    Atar estimation desperate please!!!

    I get around 60... focus on bio and english. Goodluck
  9. D

    stressing, need accurate atar estimates please!

    I get around 60... Focus on senior science and gen maths for biggest uplift. You will need significant across the board improvement to crack 70. Do as many practice questions as possible, esp in your more analytical subjects would be my recommendation.
  10. D

    Atar estimate please!

    I get 88... you are at a school where 41.5% of units get 90+ HSC mark. you are prob already aware, but you should be focussing on ancient and eco.... they are dragging you down.
  11. D

    Drop Bio for senior science?

    Note, these scaling factors change as well according to how well you do... If you do well in both (i.e. beating 90% of people) it doesn't matter as much... but if you are average, makes a huge difference when it comes to ATAR.
  12. D

    Drop Bio for senior science?

    Prob worth considering scaling as well before you make the decision. If you beat 62% of people who take biology, this will count as much as beating 81% in senior science when it comes to ATAR calculation. When I say people, I mean everyone in NSW taking biology/senior science in your age group...
  13. D

    Where do you rank? Take a Free Online Physics Exam

    I know everyone is probably busy studying for English, but I have put up another 20 question physics exam. I think this one is harder than the first. I will put up 1 new exam each week into the exam. Goodluck! I you have any questions/issues/feedback PM me.
  14. D

    Where do you rank? Take a Free Online Physics Exam

    Hi guys, Some feedback from Test 1. There were 52 participants. Taking out obvious outliers, the average was 13.2. There were only 3 perfect scores (20/20). The hardest questions were: Q20- Meisner effect (41% people got this correct) Q14- AC generator vs motor (56% correct) Q6-...
  15. D

    IUPAC/systematic/common names

    I would definitely remember monomers/acids specifically named in the syllabus: - Identify vinyl chloride and styrene as commercially significant monomers by both their systematic and common names. - Identify acids including acetic (ethanoic), citric (2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3- tricarboxylic)...
  16. D

    IUPAC/systematic/common names

    They specifically name citric acid in the syllabus as well... Common: Citric Acid Systematic name: 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid Molecular formula: C6H8O7
  17. D

    FREE Online Chemistry Exams

    Cheers for flagging... Will have a look at test 3 Q1 and get back to you. Ok cheers for the feedback.... We thought about a time limit, but didn't end up implementing it in this release. It is definitely something under consideration though. I was trying to make these exams as broad as...
  18. D

    Could I get an Estimate pleaseee!!!

    I get an estimate of 90ish...English standard holding you back- focus on this for your externals. I assumed Spanish beginners (though I dont think it will make much difference). Goodluck
  19. D

    Estimates?? :)

    I estimate around 95... Goodluck
  20. D

    Where do you rank? Take a Free Online Physics Exam

    I haven't really looked at the syllabus for SDD... thanks for the tip. The other consideration is the number of students taking the course. I think it could really help in something like general maths.... There are 31,000 students taking general maths (the most popular subject after eng...