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  1. agirlinatutu

    Advanced English and 3U English?

    I was considering doing this, and Im still doing ext english but now considering EE2. But whatever. Its not so much the content or what novels you study, but the extra skills you are taught in the ext course, which can be applied to the advanced course. I know of alot of people who do the same...
  2. agirlinatutu

    Student Record at School Query

    Re: change from public to private school Your record wont formally transfer meaning that you will have a clean slate, however like it has been said numerous times in this thread, they school is going to be aware of this history, I wouldnt be suprised if they already did. They arent going to...
  3. agirlinatutu

    I suck.........................

    Nope. Hes not a troll. Just a bit depressed
  4. agirlinatutu

    Student Record at School Query

    Re: change from public to private school I was wondering why when I replied to this thread there wasnt other comments there. Thanks.
  5. agirlinatutu


    My advice would be to wait till you are in year 10 because your subject choices change. Do you do commerce in year 9? You'll see aspect of each of these courses in commerce. Business is probably the easiest out of the three and Economics is probably the most difficult.
  6. agirlinatutu

    Assessing an individual

    So you have too much information yet your asking us to give you MORE information?
  7. agirlinatutu

    Assessing an individual

    type his name into google
  8. agirlinatutu

    Need help with history assignment

    What exactly are you after? Google is your friend. I have alot of UN Peacekeeping stuff because my history teacher has a bit of an obsession going on. I'll have to check if there...
  9. agirlinatutu

    Student Record at School Query

    Well whether the school actually notes it all down formally or not. They are going to know about it. Depending on how serious it was I guess.
  10. agirlinatutu

    What Math textbook do you use?

    New Century. I think. :rolleyes:
  11. agirlinatutu

    Student Record at School Query

    Your record stays with you for your whole school career. I can only speak for public to public but it goes with you. Why what are you hiding?
  12. agirlinatutu

    Trials And Hsc

    Its not over until you have done your external HSC exams
  13. agirlinatutu

    twilight series

  14. agirlinatutu

    twilight series

    yeah hes even cuter with short hair :)
  15. agirlinatutu

    Not sure if I should do both modern and ancient history

    They are very different subjects, but if you enjoy the histories and do well at them then go for it. Ask you teachers about the differences, because alot of people are mistaken about the actual content
  16. agirlinatutu

    aviation (pilot)

    Im totally uneducated when it comes to aviation but do major airlines really go back and look at your HSC subjects?
  17. agirlinatutu

    Environmental Science!!!!?!

    They expect you to already have that knowledge
  18. agirlinatutu

    aviation (pilot)

    Probably should have put a full stop in that sentence. Mathematics and physics are the assumed and recommended knowledge for UNSW and assumed knowledge for Uni of Newcastle And Im not sure on the UAI
  19. agirlinatutu

    Environmental Science!!!!?!

    assumed knowledge or so says the uac guide lol
  20. agirlinatutu

    aviation (pilot)

    Mathematics and physics are your subjects not sure on the UAI.