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  1. L

    new medical science student !!!!

    medicine cut off you need to be in the top 1%. so if i was to use the weight lifting analogy the correct weight would be like bench 200kg+ like pro bodybuider. now try acheiving that. some poeple can train all thier life and work as hard as they want, take steriods and still wont be...
  2. L

    new medical science student !!!!

    unfortunatly lots of people doing med.sci are in a pipe dream
  3. L

    new medical science student !!!!

    yeah bench pressing 100kg is acheivable, but give it to a skinny twerp its NOT possible.
  4. L

    might drop 2u maths to general help me decide please

    get a decent tutor then man. i can tell u if u cant do 2u maths then game desing and programing is not for you. seriosly 2u maths is so easy its not funny
  5. L

    new medical science student !!!!

    what uai did you get? dont expect to get into medicine with anything less than a gpa of around 6.5/7... which is as hard as getting a TER of 99 if not harder :shy: if you only got a UAI of 80 or so then getting a GPA of 6.5/7 is NOT acheivable. just the facts
  6. L

    Record number of uni drop-outs

    its only natural for UWS to have a higher dropout. look at how many single mothers there are out there :D
  7. L

    medical science...useless?

    only if u get a high enough GPA. grad med schools dont give preferencial treatment to people who have done Medical Science. you are competing against everone else based on GPA.
  8. L

    Undergraduate Transfer question ><! (MQ)

    sheeesh students dont elect to defer main round offers untill end of this week. late round offers are allocated after that date
  9. L

    Bridging Course

  10. L

    Question about phasing out of DFEE places

    High Distinction Average - Distinction Average u can transfer to any course u want. Cr Average usually only courses in the UAI 90 range Pass average usually only courses in the 85 range Less than a pass average, your staying where u are or dropping out how hard is it? HD average - Dn...
  11. L

    Record number of uni drop-outs

    the absolute values are not relevant. one things for sure is that UWS have higher dropout rates. UAI's are now overinflated compared to the TER's of yesteryears. standards are dropping coz everyone thinks it a right to be able to goto university
  12. L

    A little late, I Know

    did u write down your aplication number?? if u didnt u may have to phone up uac for it
  13. L

    hai guyz do u think we should tattoo DFEE on fee payin students foreheads?

    international students get into uni here easy..... they r too dumb to get in at thier own country, so they have to come here.
  14. L

    A little late, I Know

    yes u have a chance
  15. L

    Undergraduate Transfer question ><! (MQ)

    like i said, there are hundreds of 1st year students in the commerce/finance courses at MQ. not all of them who recieved a main round offer will accept the place.
  16. L

    pharmacy n arts look at the course outline, there are no space for electives, unless you do 5 subjects per semester. best you just do a tafe course at the evening then you wont have the pressure of passing another subject, rather your just doing for...
  17. L

    Pharmacy @ USYD, cutoff?

    who with 100 uai have you seen fail subjects? and how do u know