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  1. DefiningTheta

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 1

    I'm waiting for someone to do the last question of Q14...
  2. DefiningTheta

    Is "94"atar enough to go around boasting??? Replace the texts with: "Whenever you achieve a higher ATAR (90+), there's always another Asian who has higher."
  3. DefiningTheta

    Is B.Pharm a good place to start if I want to find cures for diseases?

    Re: I havent done any sciences, Should I still do If you really want to do Pharmacy, i recommend doing a Chemistry bridging course (or study Chem by yourself) as Pharmacy is highly filled with Chemistry and biology (?? Biology isn't worth your time :D). On a side note, Pharmacy...
  4. DefiningTheta

    General Thoughts: Engineering Studies

    LOL, All these people who found Engineering Studies hard. Well, there goes your career as an engineer.
  5. DefiningTheta

    What Phone Do You Use?

    Nokia 3310. Pretty durable If you ask me.
  6. DefiningTheta

    Who is going to start studying for uni the day they finish the HSC?

    and because studying first semester electives is better than studying for the HSC. btw, when did u self learnt the first sem?
  7. DefiningTheta

    General Thoughts: Food Technology

    Then why did u choose it?
  8. DefiningTheta

    UNSW Style - Gangnam Style Parody

    How long has James worked on it?
  9. DefiningTheta

    How difficult did you find the Maths exam?

    I should've used trial and error for MC, saved me more time... I still had time at the end. Got 2 Qns wrong in MC for not using trial and error....DAMMIT!
  10. DefiningTheta

    How difficult did you find the Maths exam?

    U should add a poll, but it was about 5/10. Q16 c was a bummer
  11. DefiningTheta


    Also, unfortunately, the BOS doesn't give out 1/2 marks.
  12. DefiningTheta


    Re: radians/degrees?=/ The domain was between 0 < theta < pi/2
  13. DefiningTheta


    Yes, the question asked 0 < theta < pi/2. So radians, not degrees.
  14. DefiningTheta

    B Science major for a double degree

    For a B Science/ B Engineering (Chemical Engineering) dual degree, which science major is more interconnected? Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics?
  15. DefiningTheta

    Tips from 2012 HSC students to 2013 students

    Legal - Write a summary on the whole course. Also, try and gather as much updated case studies, legislation and media reports as possible. I wouldn't recommend you search one everyday, but a case studies from 2012 (although 2013 would be better) is all that you are needed. Unless a particular...
  16. DefiningTheta

    Can i use really bad word in the eassy ??? (ESL)

    For Fuck, just do F**k. They'll understand.
  17. DefiningTheta

    Single to double degeree

    UNSW or USYD
  18. DefiningTheta

    Single to double degeree

    Hey Guys, I was just wondering if its possible to transfer from a single degree, lets say, B Science or a B Engineering to a B Science/ B Engineering? P.S. Is it better to transfer from science or engineering into this double degree, or do you restart fresh regardless?
  19. DefiningTheta

    Physics vs Economics

    What are you planning to do at Uni?
  20. DefiningTheta

    University Course Preferences [Nursing - IT]

    You do know that you're eligible for regional bonus points at UWS yeh? (I don't know if it'll work for international students though)