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  1. Raolan

    Do Not Stress Over the HSC!

    Another way to put it, a good mark does nothing more than get you into university about 1% easier than people with a bad one. There are some exceptions (medicine can be painful I hear). Oh and it's also handy if you want/need the >98 atar scholarships. The moment you get into university or...
  2. Raolan

    Who took time off work during exam period?

    I did maths ext 1 & 2 in 2012. About 5 others did too but they didn't commit enough to get a good mark, decided to re-do it and are now kicking themselves. And technically I have 4 subjects but I don't do anything in chemistry so..... yeah.
  3. Raolan

    Hands up if you haven't started studying!

    The cliff is as reliable as you make it. cwutididthar? Despite my big wall of text I still won't deny I'd rather go to ANU over any other uni, partly convenience, partly the reputation.
  4. Raolan

    Who took time off work during exam period?

    Not me :D I've only got 3 subjects to worry about though.
  5. Raolan

    One week is all you need for 99.95 ATAR!

    English exams are in 4 days and they're loaded full of blocks of text. Step up yo game fool.
  6. Raolan

    The HSC isn't everything - goodluck and any last words

    At this particular time. A few months from now and it is meaningless.
  7. Raolan

    Hands up if you haven't started studying!

    All these people throwing around statistics have no idea what they even mean. UWS does not necessarily have a lower employment rate because it's bad, it has a lower employment rate because due to its lower ATAR requirements it will draw in people with less motivation and ambition and who are...
  8. Raolan

    Anyone not going to schoolies?

    Schoolies... ... or keep money to travel overseas? Yeah easy choice. I'll pass on schoolies. Not my idea of relaxation.
  9. Raolan

    The HSC isn't everything - goodluck and any last words

    At this point I think I'm going to be good for Paper 1 just have to finish my creative, screwed for Paper 2 (I haven't done anything for Yeats/FrankenRunner in months & I ignored my teacher for half of Julius Caesar), I'm a total beast at Software even without studying for it because my life is...
  10. Raolan

    One week is all you need for 99.95 ATAR!

    I understand your opinion but it's one I don't subscribe to, as literature is what you interpret it to be. Your analogy is fine (ignoring the complexities of unreal numbers) but from my perspective it's x+iy vs a+ib. Which one has the larger modulus? Can't prove either because there are no...
  11. Raolan

    The HSC isn't everything - goodluck and any last words

    I can't wait for English to be gone forever. I can study Software or Physics for 12 hours a day, happy the entire time. But give me 30 minutes of English and I've somehow drifted to playing video games, or to sleep.
  12. Raolan

    One week is all you need for 99.95 ATAR!

    And that right there is half the problem I have with HSC English. What makes something Shakespearean any more valid than a modern children's movie? Nothing. Everything in English is opinion. Nothing means anything beyond what you make it mean. It's like a horrible version of relativity. I'd...
  13. Raolan

    One week is all you need for 99.95 ATAR!

    Dominant =/= only plausible theory, which is generally how its taught. That is misleading, critical thinking my ass. Just because something is "good enough" doesn't mean it should be taught as fact. It's probable that a lot of the problem lies with teachers, but it's a problem nonetheless and...
  14. Raolan

    One week is all you need for 99.95 ATAR!

    I have nothing wrong with analyzing blocks of text. I understand the purpose and the appeal, even if I only partake in the former personally, and as I said linguistics is perfectly legitimate. But that's not what HSC English is. HSC English is "let's listen to our teacher's opinion and how we...
  15. Raolan

    One week is all you need for 99.95 ATAR!

    The Pokemon games come out on Saturday. I too am somewhat tempted to go get Y on the weekend. Thinking I should probably leave it until after the english exams though. I'd almost forgotten just how boring and stupid Area of Study is, the idea that you can take something so specific to each...
  16. Raolan

    One week is all you need for 99.95 ATAR!

    In this final week, I'm only just now starting my English study. Romulus, My Father & Spirited Away (supp text) Tuesday and Wednesday. W. B. Yeats on Thursday & Friday Frankenstein & Bladerunner on Saturday (fairly confident with these two so only one day allowed) Julius Caesar & supp I haven't...
  17. Raolan

    What are some essay-type questions on Belonging for identity, barriers, and choice ?

    Re: What are some essay-type questions on Belonging for identity, barriers, and choic It's easy enough to make up your own essay questions to answer. e.g "Belonging is essential to an individual's sense of identity." "To understand and overcome barriers, an individual must first attain a...
  18. Raolan

    What's your Study Schedule ? Post here.

    I have a really bad study schedule, in that I don't have one. I don't really like scheduling days when I don't have to.
  19. Raolan

    Games Design

    If you're talking strictly game design, good hobby. No way are you getting a job in Australia as just a designer. If what you meant to say was "game development" then that depends on whether or not you plan to go to uni, you want to sacrifice having a decent income for several years, and you...
  20. Raolan

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 1

    Depends on the context. If it's obvious you're talking about simple harmonic motion I doubt it. Given you're saying "therefore the particle is moving in SHM" I'm sure you'll be fine.