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  1. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Haha, that's the way :)
  2. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Could you imagine the markers as they read it. Oh God. It would be a pretty good topic though. Ugh. I dont want to think of PIP topics ever, ever, ever again.
  3. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Ugh. Mhhmm. Brain...... Not,...... Functioning.
  4. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Haha! I don't want to hear about Twilight, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or any other teen fiction you can come up with until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning lol. I hate the PIP!
  5. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    I wrote in present tense "This PIP will contribute to my S&C literacy through *insert b/shit here*" The conc should be in past.
  6. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Haha, I already asked my mates for a gun, instead they took all the knives. :P
  7. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Hahaha! Yeah, every other night my insomniac ways are not as welcome, I can guarantee you :) What's everyone up to?
  8. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Lol, am I the only one who hasn't hit coffee or No Doze yet? Insomnia helps sometimes haha.
  9. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    I feel so sorry for all you guys :( Good luck!
  10. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    No probs. It's easy enough to make up stuff. But hard too, because as I said the lines are blurry, you have all the guys who live in the city, but still drive around with mudflaps and 5 poster bull bars. So yeah, good luck with it.
  11. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Yep, pretty sure so..
  12. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Haha, Nice. You can not hand-write your pip tho. It HAS to be typed. Which topic did you go with, just for curiousity's sake.
  13. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Cashews, yummmmm! They need a cashew delivery service for HSC students, I would be number one customer.
  14. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    eat cereal. I am not kidding hey, best thing to eat at this time, and it'll help keep you awake. Especially something sugary. :) I am super tired too. But my friend will be here to pick me up in 7 hrs, no sleep tonight. Haha.
  15. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    I say burn it!
  16. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Haha, I haven't started on the stimulants yet.. Soon though. haha. Ugh tomorrow - that would suck!
  17. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Dad's home, so I haven't had a smoke for 5 hours, I am dying here! I will be chaining tomorrow morning. And having a celebratory one after handing it in. Might use all my notes for a bonfire, and get out the vodka while I am at it. Ugh, stress!!
  18. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Nice work! There's a handy little worksheet giving perfect example on how to write intro. If you go back to PIP Discussion forum it's one of the moderator's threads. It's a bible, I kid you not :)
  19. Chloe_t

    All in a Night's Work.

    Honestly, if you get going, you can at least hand in something. And that's better than failing, right?