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  1. Y

    Obernwtyn related for Nav. Global

    Obernewtyn - yeah, i read that when I was 11 too. It isn't the most 'literary' book, certainly, but it does have some the themes of local/gobal running through it. I actually think that The Farseekers would be a better choice in terms of Navigating though. I guess as long as you can...
  2. Y

    Creative story idea

    about the short story idea - do you have a beginning, mddle and an end? writing about someone who doesn't belong like the bus driver is good, but you need a viable plot to sustain your idea - its generally best not to do the whole inner monologue thing throughout your response
  3. Y

    Is it ok to change related texts mid-exam?

    I was under the assumption that there was only going to be one extended response question on your texts and that was it
  4. Y


    Well you don't have to actually read them, you know
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    As You Like It

    does anyone know any techniques used in As You Like It?
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    How easy is the secondary education without tuition centers?

    definitely. I only recently started coaching and I hate it. It isn't helping at all
  7. Y

    macquarie or UWS

    From talking to people, the general consensus is that Maquarie is way better than UWS - UWS generally doesn't have a very good reputation, whereas the business- type degrees (especially accounting) is considered Maquarie's strength. Having said that, I think the UNSW degree is better than both...
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    Is this unfair/cheating

    Its a really unfair policy in general - but what you did is actually considered cheating by the BOS and you did admit you took off the time to study, although you were sick as well. You must go to a very strict school though, seeing heaps of people do the same thing at my school and get away...
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    How much does internal marks affect your UAI/ATAR??

    So if you go to a school where the marks are fairly close together, internal ranks don't really matter so much?
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    Commerce majors

    Wow, so you're both dropping Commerce? So do you think its a worthwhile course, are are you dropping because you have found something you're more interested in?
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    Thanks for adding me!

    Thanks for adding me!
  12. Y

    Commerce majors

    What would you think is the most interesting or most useful commerce major? And as an aside question, how many majors can you do in a Commerce (liberal studies) degree?
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    week 2 and 3 - so 40 days (if my maths is correct) no, i am no where near finishing notes and i haven't started any form of study either - been too busy with assessments. It really feels like i've been doing assessments non-stop, sigh
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    Extra- curricular and cadetships

    I will try my best! I only have the things that practically everyone has anyway. do you think its possible to be considered for an interview with barely any? they're not.
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    UMAT mark ranges

    I've heard that the UMAT is really difficult, but after reading a few threads where people put up their practice test results, everyone seens to be doing quite well. So to clarify, is the UMAT 'hard' simply because of the quality of the candidature (where everyone does really well), or is it...
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    Past HSC/Trial Papers Printing.

    Split the cost with a friend. And then sell them to over-eager unexpecting juniors after the HSC
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    Extra- curricular and cadetships

    Is there any point in going for a cadetship if you have barely any extra-curricular activities to show? Even if your marks are decent?
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    STAT Results

    same, pharmacy for me hey, if the marks are scaled from 100 to 200, do you think anyone got 200?
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    Non fiction texts for NTG

    The Inconvient Truth, The Corporation, etc
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    STAT Results

    thanks! so, does anyone know whether STAT actually counts for entrance into pharmacy like the UMAT does, or if its just a qualifying exam - get over 150 and you'll be considered?