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  1. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    lol speaking of bag policy, i remember last year our store abolished all bags on express. We had no plastic bags at all....... idk whos bright idea that was, but EPIC FAIL :haha: We had the local news come in wanting to speak to the store manager lmfao :rofl: Officially finished my 2IC relief...
  2. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    lol my CSM is pissed cuz she was told to cut 60hrs out of next weeks roster. She was so filthy today about it. As she said on Tuesday when she was doing the rosters, its rediculious that a job that should take 3hrs, is now taking her up to 6hrs because of the budget that shes been given. Shes...
  3. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    our worst one was 22% hahaha they got councilled lmfao.....i didnt mind, it was my ex :p
  4. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    got this months mystery shopper results today.....63% boss was mortified............
  5. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    well it should be interesting to see how we go this week as everyday this week we are either 1 or 2 cutting the hours is gonna be shit Thankfully this is the CSMs big week, and my small week, so i only do 4 days, so she can deal with the boss :hippie:
  6. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    i didnt think voting started until next week? im voting no too. The new changes are gonna be a pain in the ass for us to manage at our store. Were lucky if we can give a break after 5hrs little lone on a 4hr shift lol. Our grids are usually about 5/6 pages. 3-4 of operators, 1 of smokeshop...
  7. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    haha ok ill keep complaining :p and yeah, we did nearly 280k yesterday when plan was 229k :cool:
  8. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    hahaha lately ive had some real shockers......but yesterday takes the cake. I wont EVER complain again!!! lmfao but OMFG YES!!!! during all this, this couple wanted to look at a phone we had in our front display, we couldnt find it, so i went out the back to security too look for...
  9. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    egh yesterday was such a shit day!!! The Rutherford store could open cause they had some sort of power surge or something the night before which knocked out there computers or something idk, and there generator didnt work. So because they were shut we had to pick up all the slack. We got...
  10. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    omg what a shitty day it was yesterday All the store managers and Deli managers from the area were at our store for god knows what reason. When i first got in the SM gave me a big lecture about how i had to stay on top of service and that there to be no one waiting, and if we had every...
  11. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    haha soz cant help! dont have self serve yet :P no idea about the gun thing either, didnt use one today
  12. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    omg 130? you kidding me??? holy crap, noooooooooo way would i be doing that!!! No major changes, it was a pretty lame upgrade, nothing changed. I think it was more for self serve than for normal checkouts or guns. looooooool does anyone rememeber the major upgrade we had last year, and then...
  13. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    the did the upgrade only not work on ur self serve?? ours was fine, but I had Mayfield call me lol I was pissed off tho cuz the upgrade didnt go through until nearly 6am, and i was there from 5am. I had alot of paper work to do tho, so it wasnt that bad, but i could have done without getting...
  14. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    you only get sacked after 3 councilling if its for the same incident 3 times :p
  15. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    woohoo system upgrade tomorrow woohoo 5am start :mad1:
  16. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    i got mine, our 2IC and SSM got theres, but our CSM didnt, yet she ordered hers before us lol :uhoh: so idk wtf is going on hahaha but ill pass on the extra green vests lmfao, i already have 2 :p
  17. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    i ordered mine in novemeber too and it arrived about weds last week it looks like green pajamas lol i thought spots were bad enough, but this is just ew im all for management wearing different shirts etc, but these just make everyone look like idiots imo i loved my vest, then again, i wear...
  18. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    my new stripey shirt arrived the other day....... havent worn it yet cuz its bloody disgusting :angel: weve been banned from wearing the green vests now, i had a bit of a whinge, but no one listened as usual lol. I just wear my knitted vest all the time now :rolleyes:
  19. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    egh I had the worst shift today :( stupid me agreed to go out with all the officer cashiers last night when I had to open this morning..... "nooooooo, youll be fine, come out just for a little while, you'll be home by like 12ish......" :rolleyes: yeah, getting home at 530 and having to start at...
  20. Mannequin25

    The Woolworths Thread

    AGH WHAT A PATHETIC DAY!!!!! it was so busy today and we had litterally 0 express alerts and all afternoon the grids were 2 under forcast! Had so many complaints, someones gonna get there ass kicked tomorro....... ANYWAYS i didnt hear the tsunami warning either, but then again Maitland alot...