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  1. N

    Case Study - financial

    What exactly do we need to know here cause all ive learnt are some figures and general strategies Qantas uses for WC or profitability management
  2. N

    B Sci (Adv mathematics) -> Medicine?

    Is it possible at UNSW after 1st year assuming i get a high enough ATAR and resit the UMAT and get the marks required? Sorry if this is a noob question I'm only starting to think about this now xD
  3. N

    look at this english raw mark

    Well actually the raw mark of 68 gets aligned to 85.8 (42.9/50), the middle step is aligning to compensate on different texts and modules :)
  4. N

    Economics Marathon

    No your right its C i read the question wrong
  5. N

    repeating accelerated subject

    Do the exam and wait till you get your marks back to decide. With sciences, you usually end up doing better than you think because of the beast aligning that it undergoes! Talk to your school and let them know its a possibility. Someone at our school did that and just picked up the subject at...
  6. N

    Economics Marathon

    Touche. Answer to question 1 doesn't seem right although iv'e never seen a question asking about why we study the Macro/micro lol My answers to your new questions are b,d,d but again i'm quite shitty at eco xD
  7. N

    Economics Marathon

    Don't post questions if you don't have the answers lol will lead to epic debate xD
  8. N

    How many words?!?!

    Good luck in paper 2; unless you throw out alot of your prepared essay or right like a maniac you won't fit that into 2 hours when you take into account the time it takes to adapt to the question.
  9. N

    English Advanced - Yeats

    Hey guys, Just been told that it's possible for BOS to ask you a specific poem from Yeats. If this is the case, i'm actually fucked because I hardly have enough info on the poems i'm doing, let alone his other shit ones. Is this possible? What are the chances of this happening? Thanks :)
  10. N

    English Advanced Ranking

    Yes. I know someone that came 120/200 at Sydney Grammar a couple of years back and he ended up with a band 6
  11. N

    Economics HSC 2009 Q21a

    Thanks man :) where do you find these formulas you need for eco cause they keep asking these random questions! Repped btw :)
  12. N

    Economics HSC 2009 Q21a Q21a. The answer is food. Anyone want to tell me how to work this out :S
  13. N

    99 possible??

    So that's a yes on 99 being possible?
  14. N

    99 possible??

    hey guys, Is a 99 possible with these ranks and trials marks (as an indication of performance of cohort)?? Eng Adv - 6/25 (90% trial) MX1 - 2/8 (86% trial) MX2 - 2/4 (79% trial) Eco - 1/11 (97% trial) Bus - 1/2X (96% trial) Phys - 2/8 (89% trial) School is in mid 200's (xD) If 99 is...
  15. N

    Raw marks required for band 6

    DA FUCK @ BUSINESS LOLOL piss easy subject and if you only need 79 to crack a band 6 then wooooooooooow!
  16. N

    Raw marks for exams

    70% in 4u = borderline mark? that's 84/120 which i though was a decent mark and pretty much guaranteed band 6 :S
  17. N

    ATAR estimate - ranks + catholic trial marks!

    school rank mid 200's. kinda terrible xD
  18. N

    ATAR estimate - ranks + catholic trial marks!

    Hey guys, Can i get an estimate with overall ranks AND trial marks? thanks :) Eco - 1/13 - 97% trial Business - 1/29 - 96% trial MX1 - 2/8 - 90% trial MX2 - 2/4 - 80% trial English - 6/25 - 90% trial Physics - 2/7 - 89% trial THANKS :)
  19. N

    ATAR estimate - final ranks

    Hey guys, Here are my final ranks for internals: Business Studies: 1/29 Economics: 1/13 MX1: 2/8 MX2: 2/4 Physics: 2/7 Eng Adv: 6/25 School rank : mid 200's ATAR estimate please and thanks :)
  20. N

    ATAR estimate from Trial Marks?

    Is it possible to get an ATAR estimate from Trial marks + ranks? Just asking 'cause our techers are lazy and wont give our ranks for another week! Thanks