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  1. H

    Exams by Yourself

    Anybody going to be in any exams by themselves? I have Modern History all by my lonesome. :uhoh: 2 people will be in IT including myself. 3 people will be in Art including Myself. 5 people will be in Food Tech including Myself. :uhoh::uhoh:
  2. H

    any one else screwed for paper 2 englis -.-

    Not looking forward to Caesar + Speeches.
  3. H

    Good/bad exam rooms

    Should have chucked a 'I have been known on occasion to become disoriented, pass out and have seizures from flickering lights. Please turn it off, or prepare for me to make on hell of a disruption to your exam"
  4. H

    speeches module b

    I have 3 down pat and a generally knowledge of the rest.
  5. H

    Tips on cutting down an essay?

    Ehh. I don't even have anything prepared. 0.0
  6. H


    We didn't have to show any form of identification. Just walked in and sat down.
  7. H

    How much did you write?

    Section I: 4 pages Section II: 3 Pages Section III: 5 Pages Don't think i have enough pages? Eh.
  8. H

    Pens Down

    We had to have them all filled in by the end. Signed each of us off as we finished; bit annoying with all the movement and talking.
  9. H

    Good/bad exam rooms

    Ours was ok. We were upstairs of the RSL club. The floor vibrated a bit from the air conditioning and i had a bitch who complained about everything in front of me! She tried talking to a supervisor she knew well once she finished.
  10. H


    Did anyone's supervisors actually check equipment? Ours made us have our watches on the desk and phones on a table in the room and that was it. They didn't make us remove water bottle labels or anything.
  11. H

    Pens Down

    Pens Down. What does that mean specifically? No more writing what so ever or just none of the work section. Had a girl in my year continue writing her student numbers/centre numbers after they said it. They all rushed over telling her to stop but she continued.
  12. H

    Atar of 65.

    How difficult is this to achieve? ---- I really want to go to UWS. I will already get some from EAS because our school is so shit. I do distance education for 3 subjects. Adv. English: 11/20 Modern History: 16/20 IT: 2/10 Food Technology: 1/5 Art: 2/3 Am i fucked?!
  13. H

    Who has atar expectations which they dont think are attainable?

    I need an ATAR of 65. Don't think it's going to happen.