Search results

  1. 4unitfreak

    What are you currently Reading?

    New Moon - Stephenie Meyer. It's v.v.v.v.v.v good :)
  2. 4unitfreak

    Why do you eat FAST FOOD?

    It's quick, cheap and easy. Plus I work at Pizza Hut so my lunch/dinner comes at half the price when I'm at work.
  3. 4unitfreak

    What are your diet routines?

    Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. I eat too much dairy & carbs, and not enough fruit. I'm working to change it though.
  4. 4unitfreak

    what music do teens liike???

    I listen to what hiphophooray123 listed, pop-punk, pop, jazz and techno mostly. I like some rock but I don't like guitar-heavy stuff. If it's got good drums I'll give it a go. A few of my friends really like old rock but most of them just listen to whatever's on the radio.
  5. 4unitfreak

    How did you even start?

    We worked together so we talked at work, and I asked him out because he's super shy. Six weeks later we hooked up, and from then on he was like 'SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX' and I was like 'um no' and he didn't like that, so I ended it after six months. Lovely experience.
  6. 4unitfreak

    Favorite fictional character

    House, Holden Caulfield, Edward Cullen, Draco Malfoy.
  7. 4unitfreak

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    It was pretty bad. He can do waaaaaaaaay better than that. I agree with OP, Gigli made me want to suicide.
  8. 4unitfreak

    Results countdown

    Re: So Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not worried. Just impatient.
  9. 4unitfreak

    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    Chris Cheney from The Living End at the ARIAs. He's a pretty cool guy. In April this year my boyfriend at the time got really excited because he saw Nathan Foley from Hi 5 at the local Thai restaurant lol. :-|
  10. 4unitfreak

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Shift supervisor at pizza hut (just got a promotion woo :-|). My pay goes up from $13.26/hr to $14.50. A month or two ago I got a $5 payrise because my boss finally realised he was paying me below the minimum wage... I'm only just getting the back pay now.
  11. 4unitfreak

    What are you currently Reading?

    The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and Requiem for a Dream by Hubert Selby Jr. Both are very good. :D
  12. 4unitfreak

    If you could go back to the beginning of the HSC...

    Would've done Modern History instead of Music, 3U English instead of 3U Maths and Bio instead of Chem.
  13. 4unitfreak

    "Assessment Rank Order from 13 November"

    Re: Ranking on Students Online Were we supposed to get some kind of notice of it in the mail? With our PIN on it? Because I haven't had anything in the mail from them yet :cold:
  14. 4unitfreak

    JMP - Newcastle interviews

    I got my letter on the day of the Physics exam. :D My interview's next Wednesday - the day of the formal and the day before I go to Hong Kong. I'm totes not prepared yet :uhoh:
  15. 4unitfreak

    Which faculty had the "best" Teachers?

    The Physics teachers... best guys ever. Our Maths teachers were also pretty darn good.
  16. 4unitfreak

    How many people around here have chem as their last exam?

    It's my last too... can't wait till 12:30pm and they say pens down. Two parties tomorrow :D
  17. 4unitfreak

    Predict the 6/7 Marker!!

    We had a 5-marker on it in the trial. I hope it happens in the real thing.
  18. 4unitfreak

    UAI Guess Competition

    User: 4unitfreak UAI Guess: 94.80 Actual UAI: 90.00 Date Signed: November 5 2008 Well, it's less than expected, but 90.00 sure is aesthetically pleasing.
  19. 4unitfreak

    Estimate raw mark

    I reckon about 80. Maybe 85 if I'm lucky.