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    The Asian Music Thread

    WHAT! Where?
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    Will the HSC exam be harder than previous years?

    I feel like the answers for this thread will be purely made off deductions and opinion, so I might as well give mine: I think universities and jobs are looking more for people that can manipulate and apply skills rather than memorise, and since heaps of people can absentmindedly just insert...
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    Selective Schools Test 2017?

    Sure, Gosford High. Def. not one of the better selective schools, but I'm happy. Congrats again!
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    Selective Schools Test 2017?

    Gj man. I applied to selective this year too coz I moved recently up the coast (still NSW). I got informed of acceptance last week and they let me start the day after... Is that even allowed?
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    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Skimming over this with no volume is so weird... lol Or is it meant to be weird?
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    How to prepare/organise myself for the yearly's?

    I've actually never realised how true this is...
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    How to prepare/organise myself for the yearly's?

    YES! This is exactly how I feel and I just never knew how to explain it. I feel this way about how much I need to retain in maths. It's also like a lack of organization which makes me feel like there's so much to do! It's hard to get organized though...
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    Selective Schools Test 2017?

    Surprisingly, Gosford High does accelerated maths as well. It's surprising how many people from places like Pymble, Pyrmont, Hornsby & Blacktown go there...
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    Ext 1/2U Yearly Exam Papers Removed?

    I'm not able to tell you what happened to the folders here but if you PM me I could give you some stuff that might be able to help you.
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    prelim notes for physics and chemistry

    Wow man, this is great. Question, I'm looking at this and thinking it's be great to make notes for other subjects when I get to Year 11 & 12. What sort of template did you use and did you write this stuff over time (like as your school did the course)?
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    Halal Snack Pack Appreciation Thread

    Can you get a HSP with non-halal snack pack? Like fries with normal meat and not halal certified?
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    Halal Snack Pack Appreciation Thread

    Pauline Hanson #onenation
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    Hard preliminary MX1 exams?

    Don't think so...
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    Year 11 subject selection

    All good subjects except for Geography. Firstly, your other subjects scale well so no need for it, secondly, don't do something just coz you'll rank well and thirdly it's boring as heck. Apart from that, great choices! :)
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    Hard preliminary MX1 exams?

    I don't know about hard but I do have Maths Ext 1 Prelim exams...
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    Preliminary exam preppppppppp Also, this site has a resource page full of tests and resources (obviously, lol)
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    Year 9 & 10 Chat Thread

    Haha, so true. I remember getting bunsen burner licenses... completely useless... year 8 came and everyone forgot about them
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    who is absolutely sick of english?

    Haha, just what I was thinking