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  1. T

    Hsc legal 2018

    Under the syllabus (which you're currently looking at), we see numerous penalties. This is a bare-bones effectiveness question, which is as standard as it gets. You simply have to weigh positives and/or negatives of a few penalties and make an informed judgement based on criteria (which I know...
  2. T

    Hsc dropping 2u maths to general

    How did you do in prelim? It isn't a direct indicator of how you will perform in the HSC year, but it does say something. If your prelim year was bad (really bad), drop down to general. However, if you were mediocre (averaging 60-70%), keep on it. I started the prelim year with a good ol' 74%...
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    active study vs passive study

    Mathematics - Key to doing well is completing past papers. Go to, find some trial papers (you have A BUNCH to choose from) and continuously do them. Make sure you mark your answers and I suggest keeping a word document with common mistakes that you...
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    Whats the topic in Business Studies people struggle with the most?

    Personally, I found finance to be one of the easier ones because it was incredibly straight forward (with structured use of formulae and what not - surprising that this year's HSC exam actually had no financial statements, etc). For the extended response (essays), I'd probably stay away from...
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    ;) I'm most likely going to get ~$36k (e12 and Sydney Scholars).
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    Hi, I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now that I would love some opinions on it. I was offered a place in the BIT COOP at UTS and subsequently placed it as my first preference in the December Round 2 on UAC. I then received a letter from USYD about the Dalyell Scholars program (of which I had...
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    USYD Law vs UNSW Co-op

    I, too, had a similar dilemma a few days ago (except it was UTS' co-op program). After a bit of thinking I could no longer find any reasons to select USYD over UTS (despite the lack of prestige and what not - of which I've overlooked at this point). Both UTS and UNSW offer a co-op program that...