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    confusion over mainround offers?

    preferences can be reconsidered even afeter yu get an offer...if you RE-change your preference between rounds
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    Jusst wondering about a degree at the Universityof Newcastle..and wanted suggestions

    Re: Jusst wondering about a degree at the Universityof Newcastle..and wanted suggesti oh forgot to say also...the cut offs so far above mentioned is the c-off for the main round offer rounds only (yr 2012) its up to date lol *getting tired now*... bye
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    Can I make it?!?! Help please, particularly from current uni students!!!!!!!

    Hi Lemon, I see that your a 2012 HSC student/ current school leaver and that this posts looks like its recent. Yes, you can receive MORE than 1 offer in a UAC application. Just like the other person replied to you - If you change preferences between offer rounds, you CAN (if Eligible) get more...
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    Jusst wondering about a degree at the Universityof Newcastle..and wanted suggestions

    Re: Jusst wondering about a degree at the Universityof Newcastle..and wanted suggesti Back... Now... This institution has a ranking that is close to UTS's Ranking in previous and recent years. [They both rank in somewhere at the top 400'ish I think on the QS ranking system]. So the uni of...
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    Jusst wondering about a degree at the Universityof Newcastle..and wanted suggestions

    Soo there is this degree at newcastle that I was considering in doing this year where I can major in: Biology, Environmental, Maths, Physics disciplines.. and you know now what the degree is. Anyways, the cut-off for this course is LOWERING NOW. The ATAR used to be about in the 70's, but NOW...
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    My Guide to HSC at TAFE.

    I've been there personally once..... was far from where I am..
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    UAI or 1st year results for Transfer - confirmations

    Hey..what happened dd24? why del your post? lol.. also..rahul..i srsly dont thread please..its ok man, it'd be nice to del yourr post too in ere You there to reply back dd24? Or is anyone here to confirm with me on my discovery? lol...
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    UAI or 1st year results for Transfer - confirmations

    rahul...your not in the right a new thread about "chances of being accepted into unsw" please...-_-
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    UAI or 1st year results for Transfer - confirmations

    Person A would've been better off then...... HOWEVER..I dont know the every single know-how on what different institutions/uni's accept students as a transfer and the LENGTH in which a person who wants to transfer has to stay at University to be successful in transferring to another course at...
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    UAI or 1st year results for Transfer - confirmations

    If you are right dd24...this meanss then.. A) The person who did 1/2 a year of full time study in the Autumn session (First half year) and deferred his course for half a year and re-applies through UAC in a fresh year because he wanted to do a different course - didn't need to go to uni for the...
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    Seeking people who have ever transferred into UNSW B Commerce

    Dont I know about UNSW Commerce in the past is that there UAI was exaggerated and people where getting in there with a slightly lower cut off than published..
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    UAI or 1st year results for Transfer - confirmations

    That is real...interesting...really. But would it be a disadvantage if a person did half a year and got good marks as opposed to a person who did one year and got good marks? (Supposing both persons had the same ATAR?)
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    I accidentally chose the wrong course to do..

    Actually..his got a point.. also its nice to confirm my question even though I already got the answer..nice to be back in my thread I HAH iRuler..Ipod..iPood! lol So people..what happen to my answers? =(.. I still want answerss even though I kinda know the ans already =/
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    UTS(good or bad)

    I may be a little psychologically damaged/ worned out...maybe somewhat disturbed and feeling dreaded..but I hope this info is of some use if it I'm just being random with my thoughts now.. so here is the punchline..sorry to give this out randomly...if I am being that. I...
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    UTS(good or bad)

    Probably it is practical based..practical as in allowing students to maybe be encouraged to do internships as opposed to doing 2nd/3rd year theory?! Idk...nothing probably beats tafe as a practical institution anyways - lol, just a thought.. there is other uni's though besides ranking...
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    My Guide to HSC at TAFE.

    Judging by the quote I quoted a few years ago or a year ago..Hornsby TAFE seems to offer "Mathematics(Advanced)"..I assume or presume that this yes IS "Mathematics 2 Units"..however there is maths advanced in high school but there in years 9/ you have to call horsnby tafe to confirm of the...
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    My Guide to HSC at TAFE., well I just get the list from the TAFE official the course search and then you look at a few links they provide..they show all the subjects on offer - but all i'm saying here BEFORE is the UPDATED version for that year when I posted that post you read all...
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    Transferring from UWS to UNSW/USYD

    some institutions take your old UAI/ATAR into account as well..dont forget..I think UNSW does that