Search results

  1. K

    Things that annoy you.

    Oh well. Can't please everyone.
  2. K

    How much of the Preliminary HSC course have you completed?

    Ha, I don't even know. Maybe 30%?
  3. K

    Things that annoy you.

    Okay. Let's be nice now :o
  4. K

    Things that annoy you.

    Guys, my post concerning mes ami was mere retaliation for her saying that I annoyed her. Give me a break please :o
  5. K

    Things that annoy you.

    - hypocrites - girls with stupid haircuts but think they look HOT - bogans - people who mistake intelligence for geekiness - phones that die too quicky - when my iPod dies and i'm stuck on the bus :( - some of the fashion on Gossip Girl - baristas who don't make coffee right, even though...
  6. K

    Things that makes you feel good

    - hugs from good friends i haven't seen in a while and making me feel at home and so comfortable. - late night conversations
  7. K

    What are you doing in the holidays?

    sleeping, shopping, driving, seeing good friends and basically relaxing. avoiding doing the awful amount of assignments and essays.
  8. K

    Things that annoy you.

    - bitches - mes ami
  9. K

    Favourite study snack...?

    I just drink lots and lots of coffee. I don't know if that counts.
  10. K

    Things that annoy you.

    WOW. I absolutely love your annoy list. Almost exactly the same as me!
  11. K

    Modern History

    Yes, the Boxer Rebellion is just great :) I loved it. We studied it in relation to the Qing Dynasty falling; you might do the same. The Boxers were pretty brutal but fascinating nonetheless.
  12. K

    Model UN assembly

    one of my friends is going :)
  13. K

    Free Periods Good or bad

    None of my friends have frees when I do so I'm alone anywho. Although, some of my year twelve friends just don't go to class and we hang out then :)
  14. K


    I actually don't mind Effy. And yes Naomi is great :D
  15. K

    fun and not so fun subjects

    extension is really great and i love it. i dread advanced; we're given so many needless essays and the teacher is horrible at explaining himself.
  16. K

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    neutral. yesss progress
  17. K

    fun and not so fun subjects

    ok. revised. fun: modern middle: advanced not so fun: hospo
  18. K

    Wish List Thread

    ipod touches are fantastic. the battery lasts for aaaages :)