Search results

  1. G

    Is it possible to do two courses at once?

    You also need to find out how much it will cost you for the second degree as you will probably only get HECS support for one. From memory you can only do one at a time. Understandable as if you are doing a three year undergraduate degree say with 24 units ie 4 per semester it is expected that...
  2. G

    Alternetive ways to uni?

    If you are mature aged you will be in a different category to students who have just left school. Therefore you don't necessarily compete with those students who apply based on HSC results In the past a particular university might have say 120 places to fill in a particular course. They would...
  3. G

    Alternetive ways to uni?

    Also check out alternative thread for information that may help you
  4. G

    UWS college

    Also check out the more recent (ie last entries) on alternative thread for information that may help you There are information sessions in January about UWSCollege at Bankstown, Campbelltown and Blacktown UWS Campsuses...
  5. G

    alternative entry

    Check out the more recent (ie last entries) on alternative thread for information that may help you Go to to see the diplomas offered by UWSCollege (which are equvalent to first year...
  6. G

    Need advice and suggestion

    Check the last few entries on the alternative pathway thread If you are considering UWSCollege there are some informations sessions coming up. You may be able to obtain advice that will help you decide what you wish to do...
  7. G

    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree There are information sessions about the UWSCollege pathways coming up in January and February. Check for dates and locations at: Other information is at and...
  8. G

    Need advice and suggestion

    Do you live in an area where there is a college you can attend? Have you checked out the IT courses at TAFE?
  9. G

    How do I change my mode of attendance?

    Maybe ditto is correct. I originally thought it made sense but the fact that you will probably want to enrol in evening units made me reconsider. They may let only parttime students in the evening tutorials You probably need advice from UWS itself which is in the middle of a major...
  10. G

    Would my preference be even considered?

  11. G

    Should I be worried

    I have posted this information on another thread but believe it has relevance here IF you read the articles below. When you have read the following article you should sit back and relax because even the universities themselves don't know how things will pan out. There are so many variable to...
  12. G

    How much can ATAR CUTOFFS jump by?

    When you have read the following article you should sit back and relax because even the universities themselves don't know how things will pan out After reading this articles you will realize that THIS YEAR is entirely different to previous years as the universities FOR THE FIRST TIME decide...
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    Given the desperate steps taken by Sydney University it appears likely the ATAR may be lower this year as the different universities fight for students
  14. G

    How much can ATAR CUTOFFS jump by?

    Or the university offered more places.
  15. G

    Theatre Design

    The associate degree offered by UWSCollege may therefore be relevant if you have some experience in your particular field
  16. G

    asssumed knowledge

    The reason it is "assumed knowledge" is because the university is giving you the chance to decide if you have enough mathematical skills to handle material in the course. If you have not done some level of maths in the high school certificate you need to brush up on your mathematics if you find...
  17. G

    Question Regarding Offers

    Answer should be on UAC website Try
  18. G


    No You will have to get special permission to attend tutorials at the different campus. If they don't do a roll call at the lecture you probably could attend the lecture at the alternative campus.
  19. G

    NEED URGENT ADVICE: Can I/Should I do a Commerce degree when I've no Comm Background?

    Re: NEED URGENT ADVICE: Can I/Should I do a Commerce degree when I've no Comm Backgro UTS has business degrees which have 8 foundation subjects, one of which is economics in the first year Mathematics and any two units of English are assumed...
  20. G

    CA Program

    Check out what units you need by downloading the accredited programs at