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  1. iRuler


    I can barely read that. Basically what that shows is every single time for each lecture and tute that is available. Your aim is to find 2 subjects which are on the same day, maybe 1 business & 1 law subject on the same day, once you find that, select them and see which of those timings are...
  2. iRuler


    With some effort, I dont think it should be hard.
  3. iRuler

    Hello :)

    Hello :)
  4. iRuler

    is it harder to get a higher gpa in some degrees than others?

    There's scaling at UTS, some subjects scale way too much (scale up).
  5. iRuler

    Hello :D

    Hello :D
  6. iRuler

    Bacon Appreciation Thread

    ahahaha so true @ greeny
  7. iRuler

    Your Ideal age to get married?

    what does that have to do with anything, I know plenty of 25 y/o who are very immature and what not, has nothing to do with it son (idk of that's even true but I'll trust you on it).
  8. iRuler

    Your Ideal age to get married?

    26 is hardly a child, anything after 21ish seems alright as long as you're mentally mature enough.
  9. iRuler


    Usually it's about 12 hours per week, 3 hours each subject (for business/law), however some subjects require more time (I know some in IT which require 4-6 instead of just 3, not aware of any others yet), some law subjects are more credit points than the normal ones (8 instead of 6) and hence...
  10. iRuler

    Bad grades prompt surge in university death threats

    That behavior shouldn't be tolerated, whether they're serious or not, doesn't matter if it's a money mine, it just should not be happening, if you want high marks, work hard, simple.
  11. iRuler

    90 naruto episodes in 5 days (H)

    I'm glad that it's finally back to normal (no fillers) Finally!
  12. iRuler

    You're welcome.

    You're welcome.
  13. iRuler

    Yeah, I saw somewhere that you needed some (for maths?), that thread has plenty.

    Yeah, I saw somewhere that you needed some (for maths?), that thread has plenty.
  14. iRuler
  15. iRuler

    Can I have please some advice about Civil Engineering? Thanks.

    You can still do Civil, it's assumed knowledge, and im sure (even though I don't do it myself) that they will teach you what's required in the degree (both physics and maths wise) so there aren't any assumptions required when doing the work. I know people who have come from 2 unit maths and are...
  16. iRuler

    Post your Sem 1 - Autumn 2012 - Timetable Here!

    Depends on a couple of things. How far do you live/how long is the travel? Other commitments (even if you're not working now, you may want to work in the future), cost of travel (may or may not be an issue). I always aim to keep uni 2 days a week, gives me 5 days for other things, also because...
  17. iRuler

    The Cricket Thread

    Re: The Official Cricket Thread lets hop so!
  18. iRuler

    The Cricket Thread

    Re: The Official Cricket Thread Was a decent match, australia deserved it. I want (to see) that 100th 100!
  19. iRuler

    General UTS Chit Chat

    All the spam about UTS, how we have no grass, how some lecturers are terrible, exam whinging etc... goes here :p
  20. iRuler

    what is a good combination among these commerce majors?

    Re: UTS vs Macq B.comm?? UTS B. Business is really good, a course which is appreciated by the industry, it has a broad focus, makes you a nice all rounder being able to handle almost anything if required, and you can do a major (or Double major in your case because of the single...