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  1. gracee09

    22 weeks left

    22 weeks??!?! awwwww
  2. gracee09

    Subject Scaling

    that's what my teacher (the one who didn't care bout scaling) said ... well not word for word lol thank you :)
  3. gracee09

    Whats the thing you'll miss most next year?

    Friends. Definately the major thing I'll miss. Will miss some teachers. Will miss some subjects. Mainly maths, business and legal (the other two can get ....:chainsaw:) I think I'll also miss the routine of going to school. It'll be weird to stop it after 13 years....:( But honestly, I...
  4. gracee09

    Subject Scaling

    I don't know if there is already a thread on this topic. Sorry if there is. :) I'm just wondering what scaling is exactly and how 'important' is actually is for the HSC. I've asked one of my teachers about it and he said that its not important at all. However, another teacher said that my...
  5. gracee09

    Ideal Units in HSC.

    I think it really depends how confident someone is with each of their subjects, But I prefer doing 10 units because I'm not putting extra effort into a subject that won't count for anything. This means I have more time to work on the subjects I have. :)
  6. gracee09

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    some old queer movie called 'my boyfriend's back' worst. movie. ever
  7. gracee09

    What's your favourite sport?

    hockey and volleyball :)
  8. gracee09

    How do you deal with disappointment?

    how do i deal with disappointment?? a good hour session with a punching bag and some chocolate.... then just work harder lol :)
  9. gracee09

    Advice for the 2010 Higher School Certificate

    interesting...thanks for this :)
  10. gracee09

    What does everyone think of their HSC timetable?

    i'm happy with mine, only have 5 exams 14/10 - business studies 15/10 - adv. english paper 1 18/10 - adv. english paper 2 21/10 - gen. maths 01/11 - legal studies :D
  11. gracee09

    HSC Timetable 2010

    legal's on 1st november business studies: 14th Oct. adv. english paper 1: 15th Oct. adv. english paper 2: 18th Oct. gen. maths: 21st Oct. legal studies: 1st Nov. not that bad....
  12. gracee09

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    finally seems like a year since last wednesday........
  13. gracee09

    What's your blood group?

    B - :d
  14. gracee09

    Half yearlies- Who else screwed up?

    Finished my exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D:D:D:D:D:D
  15. gracee09


    SparkNotes: Frankenstein lots of helpful stuff on frankenstein....just thought it would help dunno if its already been mentioned here though...if it has, i'm sorry for mentioning it again lol :)
  16. gracee09

    Half yearlies- Who else screwed up?

    i've only done one exam (did it this morning) ..... totally failed it though.... lol but i keep saying to myself that its been done and i can't undo it :)
  17. gracee09

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    iRuler, i agree totally with your sig... I NEED MORE TIME!!!! lol :D
  18. gracee09

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    had adv. eng. paper 1 this morning..... how do i feel about it? :vcross::mad::chainsaw::eek::jedi::mad1::(:shoot::angry: showing emotion through emoticons is quite entertaining.... :( lol
  19. gracee09

    What have you eaten today?

    egg on toast :) chicken salad wrap with hummus and tabouli fruitbox - apple flavour mango for tea: morrocan marinated chicken on brown rice dessert: i hear that mum made golden syrup dumplings......drool :D