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  1. R

    Kinda lost

    This is sound advice but don't break it up into two explicit processes, you want to demonstrate your understanding by interlinking them. Otherwise you will lose marks. Some of your processing aspects you mentioned doesn't align with what processing is, information being checked doesn't...
  2. R

    Kinda lost

    They're very lenient with these the sample answer definitely is solid enough for a 5 marker, but you gotta make sure you hit all points in the sample, not leaving any out.
  3. R


    How do you find TPS I think it is my weakness
  4. R


    What option topics are you doing? I take MMS and TPS
  5. R


    i see thanks for the advice are you taking IPT this year
  6. R


    Right but does designing the system involve buying and putting together hardware + software
  7. R

    Information System IN Context Diagram help

    What is the syllabus definition of an indirect user
  8. R

    Help pls

    It is number according to multiple past papers
  9. R


    I see, does designing involve the actual creation of the IS
  10. R

    Error Checking Methods (Checksum, CRC, and Parity Bits)

    How does CRC perform the check to find if two eight bit words in wrong order? I don't understand how the polynomial formula actually works
  11. R


    What is the difference between the implementing and the designing stage, the textbooks have conflicting definitions. Please help.