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  1. Q


    yes, that is what God demanded in the Law, to kill a man/woman who slept with someone of the same sex if you read this passage, not simply the part you quoted, you will find He is criticising the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, they criticised ppl for failing to keep the letter of the law, while...
  2. Q


    it should say sinners, not specifically homosexuals (who totally rejected God, unlike Noah, who, while he sinned, was "righteous")
  3. Q


    this is quoting from the OT Law, which was put in place because of man's weakness, but which Jesus fulfilled, thus it is no longer required Galatians 3:23–25 23 But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. 24 Therefore the...
  4. Q


    what im saying is that in order to uncover the intention (in certain ambiguous cases only), sometimes a degree of interpretation is required i think id be able to address your concerns if u provide an example that is something which both you and I believe is wrong, just as homosexuality is...
  5. Q


    killing them was wrong then and now but you need to clarify who was actually doing the killing; you can't stop the govt using capital punishment just as the govt seemingly now cant be stopped from legalising gay marriage its not "telepathically love jesus before you die" that was my point...
  6. Q


    i asked for examples however, no-one knows when they're going to die. and for me, repentance and confession is/has always been part of my (Church's) interpretation... not the most convenient
  7. Q


    example of both?
  8. Q


    firstly, islam stones ppl for their sins, christianity does not (i understand that stoning above does not purely encompass physical stoning) agreed, but are you telling me to contradict the bible and say that homosexuality is OK never heard this argument being used when ppl believe that eg...
  9. Q


    do you? i know the interpretation as this is the interpretation of the Church. to me "know" and "believe" are synonymous (take this in context with next line) Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
  10. Q


    where's that "19 Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, 20 but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality,[d]from things strangled, and from blood." Acts 15:19-20 i quoted previously from paul
  11. Q


    that is a separate issue: i will not support something i know to be wrong. simple as that. lets agree to disagree.
  12. Q


    you'd be surprised. i've seen ppl justifying lying without looking at the next sentence!
  13. Q


    i can't believe ur putting that forward as an argument. this is not judging, this is not compromising on one's beliefs if judging meant that we cant say that this is right and that is wrong, then whats the point of even having these rules in the first place
  14. Q


    i dont ostracise anyone. we all commit sin
  15. Q


    catholics, orthodox, and some anglicans all believe it is wrong (again nothing wrong with the ppl who do it) Romans 1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the...
  16. Q


    i treat gays as i would treat anyone else - we are all sinners i love them just as jesus loves them however, tolerating sin is not biblical
  17. Q


    taken in context, with aid from reliable, traditional interpretations
  18. Q


    i would have thought that proponents of same sex marriage would use this as a point that "they cant control it" - i was trying to be less controversial! however, im not a scientist, i may be wrong, it's not the reason im against homosexuality if its a choice my same logic still applies also, if...
  19. Q


    i cant see anyting unequal about: civil union = union of same sex marriage = union of male and female
  20. Q


    christian (evident from other threads). it's just like any sin - u dont accept it (the action, not the person, who is always accepted), but u lovingly advise and support them