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  1. F

    Year 12 preeepppp Discusss

    From what people have told me, prelim math content is carried through to HSC - carried through as in tested.
  2. F

    Do you support an increased refugee intake?

    My point was in reference to the article I presented. If Christainity in England is dropping by around 12% in 10 years, and muslim population are rising by 1% in 10 years well... I doubt muslims are going to overtake christainity based on those statistics not at least until a couple of decades...
  3. F

    Truth and Perception

    You analyse a movie or book in the same manner how you analyse everything and anything else. You simply make an assertion, then explore that claim through a quote, show how the quote is relevant through its use of a technique(s).
  4. F

    Truth and Perception

    Ok, if you've been told you recount instead of analyse, that just means you're not having enough techniques/quote/effect/link in your well, analysis/ body paragraphs. It's perfectly fine to structure your argument in chronological order, however you may perhaps be retelling the plot rather than...
  5. F

    Prep for year 12

    Does any 2015'er know what eng texts you're doing next year?:) My prelims are still ongoing and we haven't been informed of which text we're doing (since it changes depending on teacher & eng classes are based upon ranks in my school)
  6. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Dude I would be happy to get 100% in any maths test o3o Gratz :)
  7. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Well it's not great.. but depending on how your school does in chem, it can be considered mediocre-good :) You do need to work on chem if don't drop it tho
  8. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    Really? o3o Dude it's a classic :O You are chinese right...? I just got annoyed with the lack of respect rather than the actual act of denouncing :P Racism = icky tho :c LOL I got told by a friend of mine that apparently our generation has been labelled as the useless generation xD Don't know...
  9. F

    Do you support an increased refugee intake?

    How do you know that the numbers are biased? All those places you've listed, for all I or you know, could be family, migrant friendly areas. Again with the stereotypes. Your statistics are implying that Christians = white, and Muslims = POC. The uk = a stereotypical white nation, therefore...
  10. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    haha xD Good luck! :) I started rewatching huan zhu gege 2 during my prelims xD Bad idea, but it's sooo funny C:Have you seen it? He's pretty racist imo, but then again there's nothing wrong with being a little racist - I mean everyone is. There is something wrong with actively trying to accuse...
  11. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    I'm so happy xD No more exams<3
  12. F

    Do you support an increased refugee intake?

    <3 This notion of "happy and prosperous" is steming from our lack of morality and empathy. You've basically implied that Australia's happiness and prosperity lies in our complete apathetic nature towards these thousands of muslim individuals who are fleeing for their lives. But that's ok, I...
  13. F

    ATAR Estimate please?

    You can potentially. My school is ranked higher than yours, I've a friend who graduated last year and got somewhere in the 70s. Do well in your externals and you can get 80+
  14. F

    Do you support an increased refugee intake?

    I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with muslims wearing a burqua/traditional clothing and practising their religion. There's nothing wrong with anyone practising their religion and there shouldn't be backlash upon that notion unless it's disrupting other individual's human rights...
  15. F

    Pauline Hanson and One Nation effect on Australia

    She's soooo racist >.>
  16. F

    Need help and advice on subject selection!!

    My school's in the top 15 and we average around 60-70% of the cohort getting a 90+ atar. 30-40% of the cohort get 95+ atar. I highly doubt you'll struggle to get into a uni course. Check your school annual report and set goals for yourself. As for which subject to drop, I would say Eco atm...
  17. F

    Year 11 Tutoring Questions.

    Tutoring doesn't necessarily work for everyone, but if you do feel it's going to be beneficial, then it's a good idea to at least try it out - no point in denying yourself a potential advantage. You can always quit if you feel you're not benefiting from tutoring. Whoever mentioned the $40/hr...
  18. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    For the fear of my digestive system, I'd rather not have that interesting conversation though C: LIke. Ever. It does sound quite cringe-worthy haha xD
  19. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    LOL Kudos to cows for letting students stick their arm up that... area. But imagine the scene xD;
  20. F

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    all them trouble when the kid next to the one assessed could just look at the stomach and make a decision there. I mean, don't pregnant anything have a swollen belly? I feel for the cow :c