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  1. D

    Quick Question

    If you mean the derivative of f(x) = 3 - e^(-x) is positive for all then then, f'(x) = -e^(-x) * (-1) = e^(-x) As e^(-x) is greater than zero for all x in its domain, the f'(x) > 0 for all x. Part 2: As x becomes very large (x-> infinity) e^(-x) becomes very small and hence the limit...
  2. D

    Creative Writing

    There are two main features that carry a short story and that is character and plot. With these two features and about 1000 words you are expected to create a story that develops a theme or concept and most importantly makes the audience want to read! It is a philosophy of mine that a good short...
  3. D

    Should I drop Ext. Maths? Help please!

    Hahaha. OP: As there is only two of you in the class, if she is coming first she will automatically get the top mark, and if you are coming last, you will automatically get the bottom mark when it comes to the internal assessment from the HSC. What this means is, essentially, you will get...
  4. D

    absolute values?

    Notice where the cut the Y-axis and the gradient of said function. This helps when you are trying to find the intersection of two absolute value functions.
  5. D

    Methods of Proving Trigonometric Identities

    This whole thread seems pretty pointless. Just prove that LHS = RHS like everyone else by manipulating one into the other.
  6. D

    Dropping Down, Scared of Scaling?

    In that case I would drop Chemistry, if you can't maintain interest in it you won't be able to get through the HSC course successfully. As for Maths, drop down to 2u and then see how you go. i suggest a little more study would pick up your marks and make sure go to your teachers to help you in...
  7. D

    Dropping Down, Scared of Scaling?

    What is your reason for dropping? Can you not handle the study load, or are your disliking the subjects? It's hard to advise a person to drop great scaling subjects like chem and MX1 (to general that is a big drop down) without know what the cause is to start with?
  8. D

    Creative Writing

    Did you teacher give you a comment which could help us in the specific areas that you are having trouble with? Was your concept not strong enough or was it that your idea was cliched, or that your structure was messy?
  9. D

    Hey guys, how do you solve these Polynomials?

    Ha, you would too. Thanks for picking me up on that. What's the answer to the question then?
  10. D

    Advice on accelerated subjects?

    I honestly wouldn't worry about the Prelim stuff if I was you. Just focus on getting your course done ahead on time so you can spend a good amount of your Prelim year studying past papers from chem and 3 unit. In doing that, I doubt that you will need to repeat in year 12, or would even want to...
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    The library

    Studying in a library automatically makes you feel more intellectual, hence I often get a lot more study done.
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    I would suggest not doing a video.
  13. D

    Hey guys, how do you solve these Polynomials?

    1. Obviously you can take x out as a factor and hence x=0 is a root of the equation. 2. They all have a point of inflexion but no other turning points. ie, any polynomial of degree 3 without an x^2 term has only a point of inflexion.
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    Two days until my Half Yearly Exams!

    Prelim is really the perfect opportunity to try out different study types.
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    Don't Understand - Rankings/Scaling - Help Please?

    The ranks are most important, getting ranked first obviously. If you aren't coming first however, you need to have the gaps between your assessment mark and the people ranked above you as close as possible.
  16. D

    Half yearlies

    Our Prelim half-years are still five weeks away.
  17. D

    drop ext 1 maths in school and still do engineering?

    If you are having trouble handling Ext 1 level maths, how are you going to handle it when you go and do an Engineering course? You can't exactly just drop it then.
  18. D

    Help with hsc art major work

    Not to disapprove of your idea or anything, obviously its too late to change it, but transition from child-hood to adulthood is pretty cliched and overused, sorry. Still, I believe that if your Art Practice is good enough, and your can take theme in a new way, then you can still get great marks...
  19. D

    Don't Understand - Rankings/Scaling - Help Please?

    You would rather have a whole years work based on one test, only to find that didn't do as well as you'd have liked and stuff your ATAR up completely?