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  1. B

    Did we have write the quote in our creative??

    I can't remember off by heart which years, but if you go on BOS they have a document of markers comments for every years english exam
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    Section 3 - Extended Response

    If you just write your prepared essay and only refer to the question once then you're pretty much automatically dropped to a band 4.
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    Did we have write the quote in our creative??

    I used the first stimulus (the other text one) and I didn't write it exactly, although I did mention the "afternoon sun" and the "belong to another world" bit directly. In most years the markers comments say that the best answers dont use the stimulus in a literal way so i tried not doing that
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    PIP questionarre on trans*healthcare

    Can you guys pretty please do this survey for me? You can do it regardless of what gender you are!
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    Would anyone mind doing my survey? It's about trans*healthcare
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    My PIP survey

    Would anyone mind doing my survey? It's about trans*healthcare.
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    PIP Survey on Perceptions on Menstruation, it's anonymous! I'd really appreciate it

    Re: PIP Survey on Perceptions on Menstruation, it's anonymous! I'd really appreciate Done! I love your topic! It's something im quite interested in as well, especially the sexism aspect of it. As a response to your second question, 5 years ago (when I was 12) and just started menstruating i...
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    PIP surveys

    Done! Can you please do mine? Its about trans* healthcare.
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    PIP survey on heroes

    I did yours. I dont know how helpful my answers will be because i dont know much about wars :/ Anyways, please do my survey in return, its about trans* healthcare
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    Can everyone please do this survey for my PIP! I need more people please!!!!

    I did yours, you have some very good questions there! Can you please do mine? It's about trans* healthcare (you do not need to be trans to do it)
  11. B

    My Fandoms Survey for my PIP

    I did yours! Very interesting topic. Please do my survey in return! It's about trans* healthcare (you do not need to be trans* to do the survey)