Search results

  1. L

    PCA Cadetship

    had to guess a few but not too bad
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    PCA Cadetship

    Hi, I recently received an email from the PCA Cadetship team asking me to complete the competency-based assessment? Does anyone who has applied previously know what the competency-based assessment is?
  3. L

    euler's form

    you can derive using taylor series but I'm not sure if that's in the syllabus or not
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    2024 HSC Chat

    yeah use past papers or smarter maths maybe ur teacher can give you the document it collates questions based on topics
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    Early Entry

    how about if you did an accelerated subject would that also come?
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    Early Entry

    Does anyone know how universities get your year 11 results and marks for early entries, especially Macquarie?
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    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    just got maths adv 96 as accelerated so very happy
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    ipad sizing

    11-inch is much easier to carry around and take to school
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    Maths Advanced 2023 Trials

    Hi guys, Does anyone have any 2023 Maths Advanced Trial Exams which they could share?
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    Maths Advanced Estimated Mark

    yeahh my aim is to do around 20 past papers before the HSC
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    Maths Advanced Estimated Mark

    ohh that would be so good thanks
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    Maths Advanced Estimated Mark

    40 people got band 6 in 2022
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    Maths Advanced Estimated Mark

    Hi everyone, I do Maths Advanced Accelerated at a selective school roughly ranked around 40, and was wondering what to expect for my HSC after ranking 7th out of 126 people?