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  1. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    Welcome back! :) Some Stores may be different, but here's our procedure (keep in mind we have to old self serve, so some of the doors etc may be different). We: 1. Go to each machine, touch the woolies logo and scan your barcode. Press "PRINT Cash Management Report (or something to that...
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    The Woolworths Thread

  3. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    Told by my 2IC and another supervisor :) Supposed to happen within a couple of months, which is exciting!
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    The Woolworths Thread

    We are getting a Refit!!!...We are getting a refit!!!
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Today was really quiet for our first Public Holiday trading in WA. I served 30 people betwen 2 and 5 (yes..I was that bored I was counting!) :(
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Read that. +1 for a store list. All I want to know is if my store (4382) is finally going to get a makeover! Also, expressed my interest to my CSM about being trained up as a supervisor...Hope it happens!
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Worked yesterday and discovered we now have the new EFT Machines - so nice! and really fast too,compared to the old ones. I love them!
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Deborah Hutton I think.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Whats this about Liquor converting to BWS?
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    The Woolworths Thread

    So Sunday trading starts in perth today..Oh Joy.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Anyone else's store got the new Phone numbers and phone system? Its pathetic. No longer are calls service 31,32 or 33, its now "Service 30 on 41 OR 51 OR 61" and half the time people can't pick up the calls :( And for the love of god Woolworths, PLEASE bring back EFT Preswipe. I am so sick of...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    yep. all the time.
  13. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    So many customers complaining that EFT Preswipe is gone.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Same here! Thank GOD! We were all joking that we wanted to have a bonfire and burn all the remaining stickers! lol
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Yeah....Nobody at our store obviously reads upgrade notes...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    It was still down today. The 2IC said something about the latest upgrade messing it up.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Forgot to mention,and I don't know whether it was fixed yesterday as I didn't work, but did anyone else have EFT Preswipe just disappear on Thursday?
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    The Woolworths Thread

    We haven't had that for probably 12 months.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Even when Night switch is on we don't get some calls.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    The Cisco phones are so crap. The best thing they could do would be replacing them and giving us our old phones back. So many staff members (myself included) have said that they have had to ring 8-10 times to get through to the store. And its not because our lines are busy,the calls just don't...