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  1. M

    Independent Trials 2015

    Was it similar to past independent trials?
  2. M

    Independent Trials 2015

    Hey, could i ask what stuff got asked for longer response qs? What was the most difficult stuff in the exam?
  3. M

    Hi Robbie I was wondering if i could ask for literally ANY help you can offer my Advanced...

    Hi Robbie I was wondering if i could ask for literally ANY help you can offer my Advanced english, extension 1 english and modern history. I got to a western suburbs school, that's only done 3 HSC classes and with trials like very soon, I was just wondering if you could send any of your...
  4. M

    What do you think 2015 germany question willl be?

    What do you think 2015 germany question willl be?
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    Hey just wondering whether or not you'd be able to share any modern history essays or notes you...

    Hey just wondering whether or not you'd be able to share any modern history essays or notes you may have, really struggling at the momemnt in a school that's only just starting up. I'd just love some inspiration with some really good quality material so I could get an indication of what I need...
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    Hey Kamal, wondering if you could pass on any really good modern history essays or notes, sample or material, that I learn from. Really struggling, i would really appreciate it if you pass on some guidance, tips or material.
  7. M

    Help. Advise.

    So entering Term 3, last term of Year 11. Just would like to know or be advised on exactly how I should be tackling from now till end of 2015. On another note, for study/notes..should i bother having a binder folder for each subject, and if, which brand?
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    English Tuition..Matrix?

    Hi just wondering whether anybody knows how good Matrix education is at English tutoring for Year 11-12? Their website shows one person who ended up topping Extension 1 but I'm interested in hearing people who first-hand know of its quality and effectiveness.
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    Dux College

    Did you go there for english as well? Cause 95 is damn good mark!
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    Do you give any of your notes for free aha? #studynomoney
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    Talent 100 or matrix

    Cheers. Do you go to delta? If you do how are the lessons and course structured? Do you find it any good, compared to what schools are teaching or providing? And how much exactly are the courses anyway?
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    Talent 100 or matrix

    Does anyone know which tutoring centre is better for English and chemistry between Talent 100 and Matrix Education? Talent 100 seems to have mainly students who achieved really well and got state ranks but in terms of producing better results and environment or giving better resources for...
  13. M

    T100 or matrix

    Between talent and matrix: which of the two are well known for being better in either English, physics or chemistry? Both offer booklets, and I'm sure good resources, but for the specific subjects which one is better?
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    Crime fiction or sci fi?

    Hey so I'm doing crime fiction/writing in my school for preliminary english extension 1 at the moment but I've checked the 2015 electives when I do the hsc course and crime isn't on the list, apparently replaced by comedy? So I'm just trying to figure out is my school doing it wrong or does it...
  15. M

    Physics or Chemistry

    Haha thank you very much for that advice, really appreciate it! The reason I'm so confuse is cause my mother is a physics teacher and marker - so the benefits of taking it would be great but I'm also looking at my own capability: English/history/bio picking between the two is...
  16. M

    Physics or Chemistry

    Which science between Physics and Chemistry requires more rote-learning capability yet also goes along with Modern History and Biology. I do plan on doing two sciences with modern and just wondering which one would be best to pick in terms of juggling content and difficulty. Bio is pretty easy...
  17. M

    Physics, chem, history

    Just want to ask as a person who is English/history based but also good (not brilliant) at science Which science between physics and chemistry has more skills based and content of essay writing and high level of written communication that would be better for a humanities person also doing 2unit...
  18. M

    Prelim Subjects

    Which one would be more relevant or sensible to someone with strength in humanities ; Physics or Chem?
  19. M

    Prelim Subjects

    Well I'm trying to figure out which science uses more humanities based skills and content in accordance to other subjects. Chem with ancient or Phys with Modern My history is top: it's just the science and humanities together that I'm trying to figure out.