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  1. esybeast

    subject selection: physics

    If you like physics then do it. Year 11 physics is boring and doesn't relate to year 12 content. year 12 physics is fun :D Physics doesn't have alot of math, very conceptually based in especially in year 12.
  2. esybeast

    mod 6 phys question

    i think he means treat points (A, B, C, D) as single electron, use hand rule. flip for conventional current to find A, B, C or D. Since direction of magnetic field known, direction of current is given. by applying the opposite hand of hand rule you use for the lorentz force. direction of force =...
  3. esybeast

    1998 HSC Q32CIII

    n initial just = 3, since high wavelength = low energy. lowest energy difference for balmer series is 3 to 2
  4. esybeast


    ur internal rank isnt a raw mark so they use how well u did reletive to ur classmates hsc marks to determine ur raw internal mark
  5. esybeast


    u dont