Search results

  1. C

    Algebra, inequalities and equations - year 11 extension math

    Hi There, Anyone maybe have specific past math tests for year 11 extension maths about Algebra, inequalities and equations or any year 11 extension textbooks about these three topics. I cannot find any for them it is mostly just yearly papers or half yearly papers. Some textbook for year 11 do...
  2. C

    Timber Assignment - need help please

    Hi There, Here is the Timber assignment we have. We have search and thought we were on the right tract but were then told no 3d printing is it not. We did question 1 and were told we are wrong. We found 3d printing, robotics and automation. We chose 3d printing as our emerging technology, but...
  3. C

    Physics year 11 - first term and second term test papers

    If we ask in our group for our school then it is like you did the worst thing ever, they will not give it all. They attack you verbally. That is why I ask here. I have seen you do get yearly and prelim but we write semester tests to prepare us and it is my first time taking physics. I do have...
  4. C

    Year 11 IPT and Year 11 SDD

    Hi There, Are there any past test papers for year 11 ipt and year 11 sdd. Not the prelim once but the once the school write before that. Thank you very much
  5. C

    Year 11 Math extension and year 11 Math advanced

    Hi There, I am after some Year 11 Math extension and year 11 Math advanced test papers for term 1 and term 2 as well as prelim papers with answers if anyone can help please. Thank you very much.
  6. C

    Physics year 11 - first term and second term test papers

    Hi There, I am after some year 11 physics test papers for term 1 and term 2 as well as prelim papers with answers if anyone can help please. Thank you very much.
  7. C

    Ancient History, IPT and SDD

    Hi There, What is the best books to use for HSC Ancient History, IPT and SDD. Thank you very much.
  8. C

    Year 11 Math Advance and Math Extension Entry Test

    Thank you very much. I have that link as well. Apparently it is mostly just about algebra. Yes our school is doing it. Seems not anyone have heard about this test.
  9. C

    Year 11 Math Advance and Math Extension Entry Test

    Hi Everyone, I am writing a Year 11 Math Advance and Math Extension Entry Test, anyone maybe have some of these entry tests that I can practice. Thank you very much :)
  10. C

    Year 9-10 Maths Discussion & Resources

    We use all of these, then the Teachers also give work from Mathletics and Mathsonline. This is also a very good site to register on and use classmathematics com au
  11. C

    Preliminary Exams

    Hi, I must write entry test for Math Advanced/Math Extension for year 11. Anyone maybe have some of these Entry test that I can practise. Thanks
  12. C

    English - Tom Brennan - notes and essay examples

    Hi There, Anybody maybe have notes or essay examples of Tom Brennan. This is what we have to do for the Essay. Thanks.
  13. C

    Year 9 Agriculture Past Test Papers

    I did found only three but it is Fiji papers, some you can use some not. We wrote our first exam and it was about sheep, safety, farm systems and climate. Consisted of multi choice, short answers and long answers.
  14. C

    Year 9 Agriculture Past Test Papers

    Hi There, I am also after year 9 agriculture past test papers if anyone can help me please Farm safety Farm regions Farming Systems Characteristics of products Climate Aboriginal farming
  15. C

    Year 10 IST Past Test Papers - programming, digital media:vector graphics and digital media video

    Hi There, I am after Year 10 IST Past Test Papers - programming, digital media:vector graphics and digital media video, if anyone help me please. Thank you very much.