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  1. A

    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    I was sitting on 53.1/60 before final and ended up with 93. That translates to a raw mark of 39.9/40 for finals. Im like 100% sure i got a couple of the last ones wrong so they must have given a couple marks extra or scaled to a mean.
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    english advanced kicking my ass

    lol are they really a friend if theyre trying to sabotage you then? Maybe i was lucky and had a group of people who werent that bad. And yeah in my case if i saw a good point a friend made or a good quote id ask if i could "copy" (really im taking the point and adding my take on it) and vice...
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    Z516.. Pretty happy, also pretty sure fins1613 was scaled this sem ======================================================= Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T1 ACCT2522 Management Accounting 1..........91 HD...
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    and so it begins
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    english advanced kicking my ass

    Although i ended up doing much better in year 12 english than i did in junior years a few tips that worked for me were: -understand each module in depth and what the syllabus wants you to do -have a prepared essay for each module (alongside extra quotes that you can throw in for unanticipated...
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    it goes in order of years right? so 5th year students get results b4 2nd year for eg?
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    Change in ASB Dean's List Criteria

    oh wow interesting if the lowest for stage 1 is 83.5 then the lowest for stage 2 would probably be lower
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    Change in ASB Dean's List Criteria

    stage 1 wam cutoff is usually 85ish (thats the lowest i heard from this years stage 1 anyways) so with top 3% instead id estimate like 87+ ~~ but thats based purely off a guess and not backed up by stats. Not sure what its like for stage 2/3
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    What i heard was that if you take your wam and multiply by the number of subjects youve done you should get an integer ~ e.g. my wam ends in .636 and ive done 11 subjects (including this sem) if i multpliy .636 by 11 i get close to 7 which indicates all my subjects have been updated on stream...
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    This so much ~~~~ the last few questions were hard as
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    friends are saying infs1602 is out
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    pretty sure your final mark should be an integer so yeah it mustve got rounded up
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    Typed vs. Handwritten study notes

    Basically up to user discretion (what you feel works best for you). What i liked to do though was make typed notes throughout the semester so i can easily add and remove stuff and then when tests came round i would hand write the notes leaving only the most important points in my handwritten...
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    pretty sure econ1102 is up (or could be acct2522 but unlikely)
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    is there any benefit to doing higher courses? or is it just for love of math + possibly better scaling
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    UNSW S1/18 Result Thread

    how much harder are the higher math courses than their lower counterparts (math2011, math2501) ? Most likely going to be majoring in stats so was wondering if the higher counterparts are more useful or anything?
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    Will I be able to do a degree with 2 majors in 2019

    Hmm interesting... I know a friend who started doing adv sci majoring in psych and neuroscience then ended up dropping to the regular bachelor of science (with majors in psyc and neuro) and graduating. They really do a shitty job explaining whats going in their handbook in that case.
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    Will I be able to do a degree with 2 majors in 2019

    if possible can you do a summer course each year for your gen eds? or you could probably stay back an extra semester to finish your degree?
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    The UNSW Scaling Thread

    Highly doubt theyre going to scale finals for acct2522 dont think its normal for accounting to get scaled. But that being my tutor did say the cohort was one of the worst shes had in terms of midsem results so if people bomb finals, maybe?
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    ASB Dean's List

    got mine today